As with any tube amp, it depends on the operating point of the tube and how it sounds. the bass control is mainly determined by the power supply and the quality of the output transformer. the distortion potential is higher with set amps at their performance limit (no common mode rejection ,no global feedback loop) than with push-pull.Id say CAT does a better resemblance then lets say New audio frontiers , Alieno , Audionote UK , KONDO and on and on.
Sibatone is a good SET on the right transducer as its more neutral
Most other SET s are highly coloured imo and one can better go for a KT 88 VAC in my view .
To get both Tube Magic and Bass control
with the right choice of speakers you won't hear any difference between amplifier concepts. there are good and bad concepts in all amplifiers no matter what the amplifying element is, tube or transistor
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