I find it humorous that anyone can freely discuss $100k DACs and $185,000 speakers with a straight face at all. A $5k DAC is amusing. $100k? Theater of the absurd. That has absolutely nothing to do with the huge costs that have come out of the manufacture, distribution and retail sales of music when it goes to the electronic distribution model. Is charging the same $ gouging? That's a judgmental term and one must judge for themselves. A huge chunk of the cost of getting a product to market goes away; the price remains the same. Someone in the supply chain is making a lot more money and the consumer is paying the price. It's that simple. If the consumer is willing, that's the end of the market-driven story. But i sales are way down a re-examination of the market may be in order.
So a Ferrari 458 Italia listed for $230,000 in 2012. It's got four wheels, transmission, radio and a motor just like a Yugo. Must be a rip off too.