Why Synergy horns?

In another thread I was asked, if I would provide more details about my speakers, so I thought why not?

I have played on active 4 way horn systems since 2016. First iteration was front loaded bass horn, midbass horn, tractrix midrange horn and tractrix tweeter horn. I worked nicely, with all the attributes associated with well implemented horns. Clarity, dynamics, realistic live sound etc.

However some problems will arise, with such horns. First of all, the center to center distance between the different horns is big, compared to the crossover frequencies. We need to be within 1/4 wave in distance at x-over for a seamless transition. For instance if you x-over from the midrange horn to the tweeter horn at 3 KHz the c-to-c distance would have to be 340/3000/4= 2.83 cm (1.11 inch). This is virtually impossible with "normal" horn configurations. This problem rears its ugly head, at every x-over throughout the audio frequency range. As frequency decreases, the wavelengths gets bigger, but so does the horns in the specific bandpass and then c-t-c also increases. It is a linear problem, that can't be solved with the regular approach, aka stacking horns on top of each other. This creates interference problems and lobing in the vertical response curves, that will color the reflection from floor and ceiling. Secondly a large column of vertically stacked horns, will push the sweet spot (SS) further back, for the horns to be perceived as more coherent and integrated, with one another.

But the biggest problem is that almost all horns beam with increasing frequency, it's their way of nature so to speak. What that means, is that the off-axis FR will not be similar to the on-axis FR. This translate into a poor power response, which is not considered a good thing, in terms of best sound quality.

Luckily we can circumvent all these problems with clever engineering and have our cake and eat it too, so to speak. Enter the Synergy horn.synergy.jpg
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A question that might have been answered outright, or at least dissected into multiple nuanced responses -- what are the downsides (objectively speaking) to MEH?
That's almost 70 degree coverage coming straight out of the compression driver? If that's the coverage you wanted, then you'd have a real, straight sided conical horn except for the exit roundover transition. Is that right?
You still need a horn/WG for controlling the lower frequencies. The circumference of the horn/WG mouth in combi with horn length determines the cut off FR, where the horn starts to unload and also how low it will control the directivity (mouth size).
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You still need a horn/WG for controlling the lower frequencies. The circumference of the horn/WG mouth in combi with horn length determines the cut off FR, where the horn starts to unload and also how low it will control the directivity (mouth size).
Yes, but what I was trying to get at is you don't need a throat transition curve, so you could make a real conical horn - except for the round over at the mouth if you want to minimize edge diffraction there.
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I know this is slightly off topic but since there's been much discussion back & forth about passive v active, dsp, room correction, etc, has anyone here had experience with the Bacch hardware or software? Thoughts? Comparisons to similar products from minidsp, DEQX, Trinnov, etc? Would be very interested to know if anyone has used Bacch with MEH horns. Thanks in advance!
I have ubacch and tested it with broadband constant directivity horns and other speakers I have designed.
It adds depth and it also adds some spaciousness. The spaciousness added compared to using quality diffusers on the opposite side walls is very limited. Diffusers with phase grating does a considerable better job.

To some music it sounds a bit weird and unnatural to me, but overall I would recommend it especially if one isn't able to add diffusion.

You can't compare Bacch to DSP softwares and the use of EQ. Two completely different things.
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Lot's of different hifi projects going on in my end. Being quite fond of my ribbon horns, I designed a bigger and hopefully better horn in CAD. Being 70x55x30 cm I had to chop it up in my CAD program, making it eatable for my 3d printer to print.

Printing multiple pieces without to many failures, is one thing, putting it together and then make a nice finish, is another. It cost a lot of time and elbow grease, even when not striving for perfection.


Somehow the flange around the mouth has gone way to short, so some improvisations was needed. Probably due to shrinking.

My first try to smooth the layer lines (I print with 0.8 nozzle or it would take forever) was with SLA resin. Some messy stuff and not very healthy. Paint it on in a thin layer, then UV light, sanding. Luckily I found a better and non toxic alternative, fine wood filler. It does the job and then finish with some filler spray (also toxic:rolleyes:)
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