well, psychoacoutics says it differently- from Nelson Pass white paper on feedback:
"Many audiophiles believe that 2nd harmonic is to be preferred over 3rd harmonic. Certainly it is
simpler in character, and it is well agreed that orders higher than third are more audible and
less musical. However when given a choice between the sound of an amplifier whose
characteristic is dominantly 2nd harmonic versus 3rd harmonic, a good percentage of listeners
choose the 3rd.
I have built many examples of simple 2nd and 3rd harmonic “types” of amplifiers over the last
35 years. When I say “types” I mean that they used simple Class A circuits described as
“single-ended” versus “push-pull” and so tended to have a 2nd harmonic versus 3rd harmonic in
the character of their distortion, but were not made to deliberately distort.
Anecdotally, it appears that preferences break out roughly into a third of customers liking 2nd
harmonic types, a third liking 3rd harmonic, and the remainder liking neither or both.
Customers have also been known to change their mind over a period of time."