Peter, why wouldn’t they remain sounding v different?
Indeed I’m glad they do.
The world would be a massively more mundane place if there was convergence on everything.
Love him or loathe him, Trump is contrasting radically versus every other world leader.
What that’ll lead to, I don’t know.
But the divergence is already producing results.
We need more divergence in politics, not the convergence of the mediocre (try looking at the UKs pitiful performance in trying to enact Brexit).
Back to hifi.
MikeL still makes the call for vinyl despite his uber MSB, top tts still provide sufficient divergence from digital to make the experience of listening to an lp or cd/stream totally different.
Indeed in my case, my digital has improved in leaps and bounds. But is still a long way away from the total immersion thing I’m getting from my recently reinstalled analog.
Top horns, modded Apogees, SOTA box speakers, all converge in providing better than ever listening experiences, but all diverge in the overall presentation, and very few listeners are going to be speaker technology agnostic.
Similarly, few will be vinyl/digital agnostic.
Or indeed tubes/SS agnostic.
Embrace the difference!