I think one conclusion we can draw from all this Mike is that you really like SETs done the Lamm way. The bass, texture, immersiveness. But there’s more you like about the Darts over a wider parameter range, w the added inbuilt advantage that you’re already intimately familiar w the Darts signature over a long period. And this ability to have instant unlimited headroom is critical to your ultimate suspension of disbelief versus maybe the Lamms being better in some ways “in the zone”, but not being able to truly flex their muscles/reach for the stratosphere.
Or maybe that’s too simplistic/hyperbolic?
we are not to the end of this story to put any clear conclusion. I'm an hour or two into listening to the darts again 'right'.
but I think I can say that the ML3's are my idea of the ideal tube amp for me and my system. they are what I imagined they would be. and the dart's do things that are important to me. this morning i'm listening to large scale digital classical, which has been 50% of my listening for years. the ML3's could do it but the overall effect was slightly blunted (my mind thinking about what's missing?), so I avoided it......I mostly went with jazz, vocals, and smaller scale stuff and loved every minute of it. with the darts the big stuff is just so easy and flowing. the sound extends forever, the speed and micro-dynamic life and agility is hypnotic and reassuring. refinement and tone are just right. I know that every tiny part will come through unedited. so i'm relaxed. and that is the issue. how do I feel?
and this is just casual listening. and only digital. I've not pulled out any of the vinyl or tape 'big guns'.