Ok Mike, let me ask you to look thru the telescope in reverse.
I get that you find high energy orchestral etc leads to the Lamms running out of steam occasionally.
So, on music that perfectly suits the Lamms, maybe female vocal, or string quartet, acoustic guitar etc, even w this music do you listen and still feel the Darts do things better? Or in these cases are the Lamms wholly superior?
these two amps are both wonderful, and do their own thing perfectly. I can just say how I view this.
the Lamm's special focus and flair with intimate music is unique in my experience. would I call it better? yes. wholly superior than the darts on intimate music? no......I would not go that far, but jazdoc would for sure. but I would say it's an experience (when I heard it in other systems) that caused me to want to see if it needs to be a long term part of my picture. I fully appreciate what it's doing. I can get my head into that mode easily. my system is fully engaged and lacks nothing when on moderately or less scaled music with the Lamm's. tons of energy projected, plenty of space, great flow.
it's the whole 'they are here' verses 'you are there' question. the ML3's bring that flair and nuance enhancement and texture sexiness to the party, floating and holographic.....slightly better and different than reality and reach out and touch it like presentation. there is a limit to how much the music can expand dynamically.....and on some specific parts of the music it's evident.
the big darts break down the walls and go on forever with breath and width, and the authority and sweep has it's own version of suspension of disbelief. and the music has no top on it dynamically. push it and it keeps going. the individual parts are not editorialized and are less sexy, but more granular information. more stuff. with the darts.....i'm there in the (whatever size) hall. but i also embrace the Lamm (orchestra in a jazz club at certain moments) perspective and fully enjoy it.