You only get three songs....


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2024
OK guys - my OCD kicked in recently with trying to tweak my speakers to the n-th degree after several recent great threads on the topic on WBF.

I wanted to see what I could hear myself and tried many of the tips others shared.

I always had a handful of "go to" songs I use for a variety of reference needs, however during this exercise I realized through all the songs I can now use just three songs to dial in my system down from the 8+ I had before. I was pretty surprised.

And, the funny thing is they are far from what I think most people would use from songs for tuning.

Mine are:

1) Live at Red Rocks Eric Church to Kill a Word. Reason: recording sounds mediocre but when you get the speakers REALLY dialed in, the song shows amazing detail, huge air and dimensionality and information. Otherwise it sounds flat and one-dimensional.

2) Above & Beyond Live at the Hollywood version of Counting Down The Days/Liquid Love. Reason: horns in beginning and her voice can sound a bit "much" until you get it dialed in. Also when dialed in the crowd will sound fantastic and you can hear individual yelps and the strings in the middle of the song with the drums will either sound flat (not dialed in right) or fantastic when dialed in correctly.

3) The 10 minute version of All To Well by Taylor Swift. Reason: The first 5 seconds of the song when you can hear the amps and such and the drummer picking up the drum sticks will sound huge and spacious when speakers are dialed in. Her voice will sound very large and present when set up right, and thin, naisily and siblent when not. Also has an great amount of guitar, drum and back up singer info that is missed when system is not dial in and a revelation when you do have it dialed in right.

If I had a fourth it would be Fly Me To The Moon with Sinatra and Count Bessie - but the original and not the remastered version. Massive amount of dynamics and his voice and swagger will vary considerably depending on if your system is dialed in correctly.

Have you experienced the same? If so what are your favorite songs for tuning?
OK guys - my OCD kicked in recently with trying to tweak my speakers to the n-th degree after several recent great threads on the topic on WBF.

I wanted to see what I could hear myself and tried many of the tips others shared.

I always had a handful of "go to" songs I use for a variety of reference needs, however during this exercise I realized through all the songs I can now use just three songs to dial in my system down from the 8+ I had before. I was pretty surprised.

And, the funny thing is they are far from what I think most people would use from songs for tuning.

Mine are:

1) Live at Red Rocks Eric Church to Kill a Word. Reason: recording sounds mediocre but when you get the speakers REALLY dialed in, the song shows amazing detail, huge air and dimensionality and information. Otherwise it sounds flat and one-dimensional.

2) Above & Beyond Live at the Hollywood version of Counting Down The Days/Liquid Love. Reason: horns in beginning and her voice can sound a bit "much" until you get it dialed in. Also when dialed in the crowd will sound fantastic and you can hear individual yelps and the strings in the middle of the song with the drums will either sound flat (not dialed in right) or fantastic when dialed in correctly.

3) The 10 minute version of All To Well by Taylor Swift. Reason: The first 5 seconds of the song when you can hear the amps and such and the drummer picking up the drum sticks will sound huge and spacious when speakers are dialed in. Her voice will sound very large and present when set up right, and thin, naisily and siblent when not. Also has an great amount of guitar, drum and back up singer info that is missed when system is not dial in and a revelation when you do have it dialed in right.

If I had a fourth it would be Fly Me To The Moon with Sinatra and Count Bessie - but the original and not the remastered version. Massive amount of dynamics and his voice and swagger will vary considerably depending on if your system is dialed in correctly.

Have you experienced the same? If so what are your favorite songs for tuning?
Thanks, are you referring to a digital version of Fly Me To The Moon? Which one, is it on streaming?
Thanks, are you referring to a digital version of Fly Me To The Moon? Which one, is it on streaming?
Hi Rexp - Their seem to be several versions on Qobuz. One is of the original recording with Count Basie and one says remastered. Here is a picture of the album version that I prefer:

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