Hey guys,
I see that there has been some great discussions around our range of turntables.
Zerostar, I am truly sorry that you had some issues with our product, I am not sure if you have heard our product with the new TITAN controller, but I am sure that someone such as yourself would appreciate the nuanced differences between the systems.
With respect to your comments of 5 previous different Vyger decks, had you purchased them through second user channels, as looking at our records it seems some of these were purchased for customers during your distributorship. I am sure that this conflation of fact is an oversight on your part, and welcome any clarification on your part so we can perhaps look at the situation from an informed position in order to respond more substantively.
As with all companies on the cutting edge of technology, VYGER is constantly evolving products with the aim of improving performance and reliability, as such we would welcome any structured technical feedback you can provide as to the specific issues you stated in substitution to the anecdotal general comments made in your post, as you stated you would no longer recommend our products. I would be very interested in knowing why, save as to your no longer being the distributor, as this information regarding your customer experience will be useful in the future.
The TITAN system is just part of the evolution made over the past couple of years, we have also completely analysed our manufacturing process and refined our workflow in order to ensure high repeatability and reduce tolerances, which were already in single digit microns.
Less myopically, VYGER has a plethora of very happy customer who have not had the issues or frustrations stated by Zerostar, including our very good friend Byrdio. We are constantly improving our customer experience and pride ourselves in the relations we make, purchasing a VYGER is becoming part of the VYGER family.