What are members' impressions of Transparent Audio cables? Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
Alpharetta, Georgia
Just wondering what folks think about this cable...Same stuff inside my new Wilson speakers so was wondering.
I had the full enchilada in my system for a few months (>$100k). Glad I took them out!!

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I haven't compared Transparent to all the cables out there, but Transparent came out on top of those that I did compare. Since my funds are not unlimited like some others, I also considered the trade-in (trade-up) policies of Transparent which have worked out well when I've chosen to upgrade, preserving my initial investment. Cardas seemed slow and constrained in my system, Shunyata (I love their power cables) also seemed a little constrained but faster than Cardas. Several others just seemed to get in the way of the music when compared to Transparent. Just one guy's opinion.
I went thru a lot of cables before ending up with Transparent. In the past couple of years I have tried a few others that have been unsuccessful in supplanting them.

The good thing is that there are a lot of cables out there to choose from. Everyone should be able to find something that gets them closer to what they are looking for.
I found that Transparent Opus is very hard to beat when using Wilson Audio speakers. I hate their tuning characteristics - we have to have them tuned when we change electronics - fortunately free to first users, we just pay shipping.

I have the MM2, not the generation V. Although some other cables, such as Odin or Crystal Dreamline apparently seem more detailed, they lack the drive and bass rhythm, and we perceive more music with the Transparent in the Wilson's.
I'm using AES/EBU, Speaker and Power cable of transparent. All are xl or ref grade of gen5, . Not Opus...

It was known to make tight bass and high. Even it improved as the generation has up, many people still say like that.

In my experience, if it matches well, it makes huge and smooth bass even less detail. High is not fancy or colorful.
The most special is the "Transparent". It seems that we see through the brook over bass and mid. It shows what the resolution is.
Those things let me to feel "Natural"

I like Transparent cable.
I had the full enchilada in my system for a few months (>$100k). Glad I rip it out!!

Hi Bruce, I've seen you say this a few times in various threads and was just wondering what kind of break-in procedure did you put the Transparent cables through before finally "ripping" them out? I'm not particularly fond of the concept of built in network boxes that perform filtering, equalization, bandwidth shaping, etc... But I'd still be curious to know how long you gave them before abandonment.

Incidentally, I'd also love to hear from anyone who has compared JPS Labs Aluminata to any of the Masterbuilt line.
Hi Bruce, I've seen you say this a few times in various threads and was just wondering what kind of break-in procedure did you put the Transparent cables through before finally "ripping" them out? I'm not particularly fond of the concept of built in network boxes that perform filtering, equalization, bandwidth shaping, etc... But I'd still be curious to know how long you gave them before abandonment.

Incidentally, I'd also love to hear from anyone who has compared JPS Labs Aluminata to any of the Masterbuilt line.

What did I replace them with? Anything without a network box! For break-in, I did the typical 24x7 music thing for a couple of weeks. I did a few masterings and the clients kept sending them back for revision. WTF? They were telling me the bass was too low or muddying up the low-mids. I was actually having to increase the volume control one more click to get the same volume. Can't remember if one click is .25 or .5dB. The cables were definitely attenuating the signal.

I am now and have been using Aluminata throughout.
Transparent's entire philosophy doesn't make sense to me and; quite frankly, they were used for years with Wilson because they attenuated the at-times harsh Focal tweeter. Its wire that wants to change the sound, which may work in some systems but not mine.
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Hi Bruce, I've seen you say this a few times in various threads and was just wondering what kind of break-in procedure did you put the Transparent cables through before finally "ripping" them out? I'm not particularly fond of the concept of built in network boxes that perform filtering, equalization, bandwidth shaping, etc... But I'd still be curious to know how long you gave them before abandonment.

Incidentally, I'd also love to hear from anyone who has compared JPS Labs Aluminata to any of the Masterbuilt line.

I have lol
I have been thoroughly pleased with mine. No issues here. I'm done with cables. Time to enjoy the music.

After years of chasing this and that and blowing money left and right on sideways movement, Transparent got me to where I wanted to be. My observations are the exact opposite of Bruce's. I don't like anything without a network box. LOL. To each his own...

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I have lol

Heh. Well, what got me to thinking about the two was that both utilize proprietary (aluminum ?) alloys and "super conductor" marketing wizardry. Cable construction, outwardly, looks very similar although I believe the Aluminata is extremely heavy as a result of its shielding approach.

Now just because you're naturally biased doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong, and I'd like to read your description of the Aluminata. I have a good friend whose ears I know and trust, and he has told me about the JPS Super Conductor line which also uses the alumalloy. I'd guess it is probably somewhat similar, and I won't mention what he's said .... yet. ;-)
I only had low/mid level transparents long ago. That system was bright and the dark-ish smooth character really helped me during the earlier days of digital. I switched when I moved on to fabric domes and ribbons and went back into LPs. No idea what they are like this days especially the TOTL, nobody here has the big boys AFAIK.
Depends on what model, doesn't it?

Of course, but was just doing some general research and figured the folks here would likely have the upper half of the line.
I started with MM2 Super IC and SC. At the time, I compared to a few other non boutique cables but preferred Transparent. After buying the Aviors, I upgraded to Gen V Ref IC and SC. It's been awhile but I remember the difference was like changing a component. I have heard Opus IC & SC at my dealers home and it is more of the same...really amazing. I'm happy with them, and I really don't feel like demoing a full loom of SC, IC, and PC. At this point, its a daunting task.

When I owned Rockports the internal cabling was Transparent

Lee, I have had Transparent speaker cables and interconnects for 20 years. My impression is very positive. I never have had any desire to consider other cables.

But I am not “into” cables, and I consider cables to be a highly problematic and financially offensive morass. I can understand and I can “see” where the cost goes into a product

My impression has no value of general applicability, however. I purchased Transparent cables all those many years ago not because of a careful sonic cable comparison, but because both the manufacturer of my amplifiers and the manufacturer of my loudspeakers used Transparent cables, and those two votes of confidence were good enough for me. I never swapped in alternative cables, so I never performed any direct comparison with my Transparent cables.

Network boxes containing one or more of a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor are, to me, tuned circuits. A low pass filter on MIT cables to attenuate any RF output of Spectral amplifiers makes sense to me to deal with that unique Spectral issue, but in general I do not want tuned circuits on my interconnects. It just does not make any sense to me, except as some sort of tone control or low-pass filter.

I found ludicrous and offensive the recent top-of-the-line Transparent network boxes formed into the swoopy shape of an exotic car. Does Transparent really think we audiophiles consider ourselves to be so pathetically uncool that we would spend a fortune to purchase McLaren-shaped network boxes to regain some semblance of masculine self-esteem? I would love to hear the sonic or technical justification for network boxes having front and rear swoopy fenders!


(photo courtesy of number95)

Having written all of that the fact remains that I have many friends (e.g., Bobvin, microstrip, treitz3, jfrech, Peter A., LL21) whose ears I respect who swear by their Transparent cables.

When I visited Jim White in November 2017 we discussed cables, and his views made excellent sense to me. I wrote in that visit report:

While Jim has heard some expensive cables produce amazing results, Jim does not believe in the philosophy of necessarily using only one brand and model of cable throughout one’s entire system. Just because a cable is expensive doesn't mean it is necessarily the best for a particular location in the system. Judicious cabling yields the best results, says Jim.

Jim said he believes that there will be an optimal cable to use to connect any two components, but that it is not possible to predict in advance, based on input impedance and output impedance, or based on cable resistance/capacitance/inductance characteristics, which cable this will be. Jim suggested trying different cables between each pair of components, and to be largely design agnostic and brand agnostic, and to judge primarily by ear.​
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I am not “into” cables, and I consider cables to be a highly problematic and financially offensive

Ron. I look at your signature and see a very financially inoffensive cable on the list of your equipments. :rolleyes:


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