Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

I bought my stereo to make me happy.
That is why it is so weird that so many on this thread argue about best medium. Best for whom? It is a subjective sport. Enjoy the music.
It's an objective sport
The taste is subjective
It's 2 different things
All opinions and this horse is so dead. Some just like to argue, you are not winning hearts and minds, for sure.
Amen. Like arguing about ice cream or what woman is better looking. It is all subjective. What is best for you is just that, for you, not necessarily for me. But people can’t seem to be able to help themselves .
It's an objective sport
The taste is subjective
It's 2 different things
I leave the measurements to the designer and, like everyone else, listen for my own preferences. Always a happy coincidence (even if one has searched a lot) when one's own preferences and the designer's preferences line up.

For some, audio is a bloodsport. Life is too short for that.
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All opinions and this horse is so dead. Some just like to argue, you are not winning hearts and minds, for sure.

Not even mine, who is a scientist and likes measurements.
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I'm more used to ASR than this forum
I guess science and measurements aren't that important around here
The measurements and opinions that come out of that site are laughable
The measurements and opinions that come out of that site are laughable
i look at ASR as in a separate parallel universe to one with listeners.

we have zero in common with them and no need to even give their thinking the time of day. nothing to see here, move along.

i've had my time talking to Amir in the past as he is local here. saw him at the Pacific Audio Show a month ago. he has been in my room a few times. i don't expect him to ever get what listeners get. so why even worry about it. they can do their thing and no problem.
i look at ASR as in a separate parallel universe to one with listeners.

we have zero in common with them and no need to even give their thinking the time of day. nothing to see here, move along.

i've had my time talking to Amir in the past as he is local here. saw him at the Pacific Audio Show a month ago. he has been in my room a few times. i don't expect him to ever get what listeners get. so why even worry about it. they can do their thing and no problem.

Amir has taught me important things about digital theory, which I am grateful for.

Yet he views things way too simplistically and naively when it comes to measurement vs subjective sound quality, and most competent high-end designers would vehemently disagree with him on those issues.
Not even mine, who is a scientist and likes measurements.
Al M I am a Mechanical Engineer and I am there with you. This person is just argumentative and probably cannot even comprehend the measurements Amir posts at ASR. The moment he brought up $1000 DAC's I knew his audio proclivities and expertise. Not that price is a driver.
I'm more used to ASR than this forum
I guess science and measurements aren't that important around here

As we suspected. Maybe you would feel more comfortable returning to ASR. On the other hand, with a open mind you might learn things on WBF. However, with an attitude of pontificating you will achieve nothing and only waste your and our time.
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I thought the point of an audio forum is to discuss different opinions
It would be pretty boring if everybody thought the same way
Have good rest of the day. Time to cut bait.
Head over there it's the place for you. You also need to work on your presentation skills and use a little tact.

A forum where objectivists can ask questions and exchange ideas regarding the science of audio as well as anything pertaining to audio that involves tests, measurements, ABX testing etc. We have all indicated a desire to read about the science behind our hobby but this is one forum where the subjectivists will not be allowed to derail or flame an objectivist thread with the comment "I trust my ears". As a result to all members this is intended to be a flame free forum and the warning on the door will say "Enter At Your Own Risk"
Not sure about anti-digital but if you don't own a turntable you're anti-music

Guess I better rid myself of both of my systems. I sure thought that I was pro-music and enjoying it, but alas I must be crazy to have had such a notion.
I thought the point of an audio forum is to discuss different opinions
It would be pretty boring if everybody thought the same way
just realize that 10 years ago WBF moved past not respecting listening opinions. so if a new poster comes in and starts down that road from the get go then that's not going to be a fit. reading your 26 posts since you joined 2 weeks ago pretty much every one has a negative slant, pushing measurements.

every forum has a vibe and common respect for something. and here......we are not united supporting the supremacy of measurements. we are not against them, mostly we don't care that much about them. they are beside the point. used when it helps. but never proof. we are proof-averse.
how would you describe someone who chooses not to listen to the best recordings of the greatest music ever made?

Music averse, perhaps?

So, if folks don't listen to the music you listen to they have no appreciation for music or are music adverse? The amazing part of your statement is that you are serious. Sad take frankly!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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