American Sound AS-2000 Installations- Far East (Mr. T's)


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
With two purpose built massive listening rooms packed with the most exotic high end equipment and a 3rd building under consideration as a high end museum serious doesn't begin to describe Mr. T's passion of high end.

Here's my Thai support team, Pisset is the technical and setup wiz working with all the major high end guys in Bangkok, really lucky to have him there.


The primary system Vox Olympians, Kondo, EMT 927 and AS-2000





What an amazing loudspeaker "tour"!

LL21 and I like those Chronosonic subwoofers!

Do you know what amplifier Mr. T is using to drive the subwoofers? (Or did you make him disconnect the subwoofers from the system? :p)
Dear David,

Did you have chance to hear the Invictus?

How do the Wilson Chronosonics sound?

The room looks H U G E! What are the approximate dimensions of the room?
Incredible. Incredible. ... more time...
What an amazing loudspeaker "tour"!

LL21 and I like those Chronosonic subwoofers!

Do you know what amplifier Mr. T is using to drive the subwoofers? (Or did you make him disconnect the subwoofers from the system? :p)

There was a time pressure and I honestly didn't get a chance to notice the what amps he was using on the subs. I did turn Vox subs off for setup :)! The owner wasn't there so no one objected.

Dear David,

Did you have chance to hear the Invictus?

How do the Wilson Chronosonics sound?

The room looks H U G E! What are the approximate dimensions of the room?

Both rooms are huge, this is a money no object situation and the room isn't a hindrance. You know, the Wilsons were playing with the Dartz and you're asking a SET vintage horn guy if he liked solid state sound pumping through 20 odd drivers, visually impressive is how I would like to describe them, to be fair they’re still in the middle of setup.

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Oh my god!
There is actually another “Mr.T” who has pretty much the same gears as this “Mr.T” but David didn’t get a chance to install the AS in his system. They both are nice gentlemen.

I love those slotted wooden walls, very cool !
There is actually another “Mr.T” who has pretty much the same gears as this “Mr.T” but David didn’t get a chance to install the AS in his system. They both are nice gentlemen.

So there are two Mr.T’s and then you Tang. Mr. TT.
Systems are awesome. Great taste in music with Trentemoller The Last Resort on vinyl.
Systems are awesome. Great taste in music with Trentemoller The Last Resort on vinyl.

Wow...well spotted! Great album...was just listening to it 2-3 days ago!

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