Post Your Frequency Response Curve!

Ron Resnick

Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Jan 24, 2015
Beverly Hills, CA
1) Download

2) Set the adjustments to:

Program: FFT Plot

Weight: Flat

FFT Size: 16384

Window: Blackman

Average: Slow

Graph: Simple

Scale: Decade

3) Position the microphone side of your iPad at your ear position.

4) Using an external microphone will improve accuracy.

5) Record your curve using pink noise.
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If we all download the same app and set the adjustments the same way we will have a very interesting relatively apples-to-apples look at our respective frequency response curves!

This will be very fun!

This is with all Tube Traps removed, and 4' x 8' x 2" absorption panels in the front wall corners.

so you still have absorption panels, or you removed them?

The absorption panels are in the corners of the front wall, as per the photo.
Not following the suggested approach but daring to post anyway. Ideally you should look in to REW (Room EQ Analyzer) for measurements, this will give you more accurate / detailed measurements. :)

Here is my dedicated listening space:
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If we all download the same app and set the adjustments the same way we will have a very interesting relatively apples-to-apples look at our respective frequency response curves!

This will be very fun!
Hi Ron,
use A weighted (Flat no longer used), higher sample, Blackman clearer than hamming and simple graph which removes the high freq hash. (NB. living room, no music)
View attachment 104675
I used the app I have for teaching. Hopefully gives some information valuable to someone? Not sure how any of this has to do with whether a system lets music through it or not

Blessings, Scott

In my view your system will sound quit bright in general .
A slight downslope is preferred mostly
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Hi Ron,
use A weighted (Flat no longer used), higher sample, Blackman clearer than hamming and simple graph which removes the high freq hash. (NB. living room, no music)
View attachment 104698
That's a nice smooth curve! The gentle downward slope with no abrupt changes bodes well for good sound.
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Very nice curves posted here!

Keep them coming!
Idiosyncratically for me I seem to be very sensitive -- in the sense of finding it edgy or fatiguing -- to a material bump in the 2kHz to 4kHz range.

Does anyone else experience this particular sensitivity?
I'm using an Earthworks QTC40 microphone.

Idiosyncratically for me I seem to be very sensitive -- in the sense of finding it edgy or fatiguing -- to a material bump in the 2kHz to 4kHz range.

Does anyone else experience this particular sensitivity?
AG Duos have an inverted polarity tweeter by design that creates a dip at 2khz ameliorating what could otherwise be an edgy sound. You are not alone in being sensitive to this and close frequencies. Play a 2khz tone to hear how offensive it is.
Here is mine using my iPhone mic and pink noise. added my room picture so there is no confusion what room it is.

a pink noise track from Tidal (Pink Noise—Calibrated Static Noise Series—myNoise—Stephane Pigeon—track 12)

i have a calibrated mic i acquired for my Home Theater set-up i've never used, i will try to see if i can use it here.


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Hi Mike, could you use A weighting to give a better idea of what you actually hear. And I prefer Blackman window as it may just be clearer, otherwise looking good.
Ron, thanks for sharing your room's frequency response. I"m at work and will post mine from REW with a similar windowing later. I'm just too cheap to buy another frequency analyzer since I own several.

The frequency response measurements look quite amazing. I wonder what the RT60 estimates would be. I bet it's awesome too given your room is very nicely treated.

I did wonder about the 100Hz dip. Have you tried moving your microphone slightly forward from your current seating position or slightly backwards to wee if you can reduce that 100Hz dip? I would try it 6" at a time. Sometimes 6" to 18" front or back can make a big difference. Of course, after the move, you'll have to completely reposition your speakers (or at least toe them in or out) to get the same treble frequency response. But often you can get better sound this way because you'll get smoother bass. Sometimes, there is nothing to be done and everything is already optimal.
Here is mine using my iPhone mic and pink noise.

a pink noise track from Tidal (Pink Noise—Calibrated Static Noise Series—myNoise—Stephane Pigeon—track 12)

i have a calibrated mic i acquired for my Home Theater set-up i've never used, i will try to see if i can use it here.

View attachment 104706

That looks ideal! You and Kevin should be very proud!
Idiosyncratically for me I seem to be very sensitive -- in the sense of finding it edgy or fatiguing -- to a material bump in the 2kHz to 4kHz range.

Does anyone else experience this particular sensitivity?
This is a range that most humans are quite sensitive to. Very important to have smooth response through this region.
Idiosyncratically for me I seem to be very sensitive -- in the sense of finding it edgy or fatiguing -- to a material bump in the 2kHz to 4kHz range.

Does anyone else experience this particular sensitivity?

I find the same. In general speakers that are fatiguing or are so high-end that they "reveal bad recordings" often have uneven and/or elevated response somewhere around 1-4khz.

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