Ithaka - DAC by Aries Cerat


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
I recently decided to invest in the Ithaka DAC, which features a TriodeFet output stage instead of the inverted triode technology utilized in the Legend Series. The Kassandra & LE is based upon SET Output Stage.

With my extensive experience with various DACs, the Ithaka has captured my attention more than any other Aries Cerat DACs. Despite already owning the Kassandra, the pure resolution and absence of digital harshness in the sound of the Ithaka have truly impressed me. The music flows smoothly with a natural and organized tonality, drawing no undue attention to itself. Surprisingly, the DAC manages to make digital files sound remarkably analog. It's one of those rare moments where I find it difficult to articulate what I'm hearing, yet I am thoroughly enjoying the experience.

Prior to acquiring the Kassandra, I had owned the Playback Designs Dream and Syrah, various MSB models, both models of Aqua Acoustics, Lampi Big 7, Psaudio, Totaldac, and several others that didn't quite capture my interest. Additionally, I had borrowed various DACs from friends.
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I heard the Ithaca in my system for a few days and agree with your thoughts. It is an incredible DAC - it is also incredibly well designed but it’s a shame it‘s so heavy and has such a large footprint!
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Indeed, the DAC is substantial, weighing over 120KG, which may pose space constraints for some individuals. Nevertheless, beyond its considerable size and weight, the crucial focus lies on its exceptional sound quality. It delves deeper into recordings with heightened resolution and smoothness while preserving dynamics and ambient details.

I've been extremely enthusiastic about this DAC. Similar to the Quintessence Amplifier, it doesn't sound like a typical Tube-Based or Solid State DAC. Instead, it seems to possess the same level of smoothness and musicality found in triodefet amplifiers. It's detailed yet effortless, effortlessly producing a spacious musical sound stage in the room.

Do any members of this forum happen to own an Ithaka DAC ?
I own the Homerus DAC from Aires-Cerat which sits above the Kassandra but does have the SET output. I wondered if you or anyone has had an opportunity to directly compare the Ithaca to the Homerus. The Homerus is an absolute step up from the Kassandra LE.
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I own the Homerus DAC from Aires-Cerat which sits above the Kassandra but does have the SET output. I wondered if you or anyone has had an opportunity to directly compare the Ithaca to the Homerus. The Homerus is an absolute step up from the Kassandra LE.
Nice to see you back and posting again Billy :)
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I own the Homerus DAC from Aires-Cerat which sits above the Kassandra but does have the SET output. I wondered if you or anyone has had an opportunity to directly compare the Ithaca to the Homerus. The Homerus is an absolute step up from the Kassandra LE.
Looking for a distributor that owns both products simultaneously? It's a rare find! The ultimate way to compare and truly experience these top performers is by visiting the Cyprus factory. When it comes to sound, the Ithaka offers a whole new experience compared to the Kassandra Series.
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I own the Homerus DAC from Aires-Cerat which sits above the Kassandra but does have the SET output. I wondered if you or anyone has had an opportunity to directly compare the Ithaca to the Homerus. The Homerus is an absolute step up from the Kassandra LE.
i just came back from visiting Stavros for the second time, and we were doing - Ithaka - ithaka minor and Homerus testing...
you can keep your Homerus with no sleep walking in my book, you have the Ultimate DAC i know to date.

best of luck.
i just came back from visiting Stavros for the second time, and we were doing - Ithaka - ithaka minor and Homerus testing...
you can keep your Homerus with no sleep walking in my book, you have the Ultimate DAC i know to date.

best of luck.
Was it the two box or three box Homerus?
the truth that i don't know, i didn't care so much :) (i think it was the two)
i'm going to have the Ithaka eventually either way. the Homerus price tag is to steep for me.
maybe some day in the far future.. who knows.
What made the Homerus even better in comparison with the no doubt excellent Ithaka?
the truth that i don't know, i didn't care so much :) (i think it was the two)
i'm going to have the Ithaka eventually either way. the Homerus price tag is to steep for me.
maybe some day in the far future.. who knows.
We listened actually to my own unit, so two levels below the top three chassis Homerus:)

i just came back from visiting Stavros for the second time, and we were doing - Ithaka - ithaka minor and Homerus testing...
you can keep your Homerus with no sleep walking in my book, you have the Ultimate DAC i know to date.

best of luck.
Hi byrdparis,
Your 3-way DAC test caught my attention as I’m looking for reports from folks who’ve heard the Ithaka minor. I’m almost afraid to ask but how did the smaller Ithaka do in your listening comparisons? You seem to have heard many of the other Aries Cerat DACs too; could you assess where the Ithaka minor would stand in relation to the Kassandra series? As a distributor of AC components, who would you recommend to buy an Ithaka minor?
I own the Homerus but was very impressed by the crystal clarity of the Ithaca and would strongly consider it against ANY other DAC. I can’t say I heard enough to compare to Kassandra which I possessed for a long time but it does sound cleaner if not a bit less romantic.
I own the Homerus but was very impressed by the crystal clarity of the Ithaca and would strongly consider it against ANY other DAC. I can’t say I heard enough to compare to Kassandra which I possessed for a long time but it does sound cleaner if not a bit less romantic.
Very interesting. Your assessment is more significant in that you must be one of the very few who have compared the 2 top AC DACs. Just to be clear, I think you refer to the larger Ithaka, and not the smaller Ithaka minor which is newer and has yet to appear on the AC website. Correct? Sadly, my current rack and available space would not practically accommodate a DAC of the “generous” dimensions of the original Ithaka, but I hope the considerably more compact Ithaka minor will also prove to be a formidable contender (no pun intended). As of today, I can find not a single listening report for the new, smaller Ithaka minor.
Very interesting. Your assessment is more significant in that you must be one of the very few who have compared the 2 top AC DACs. Just to be clear, I think you refer to the larger Ithaka, and not the smaller Ithaka minor which is newer and has yet to appear on the AC website. Correct? Sadly, my current rack and available space would not practically accommodate a DAC of the “generous” dimensions of the original Ithaka, but I hope the considerably more compact Ithaka minor will also prove to be a formidable contender (no pun intended). As of today, I can find not a single listening report for the new, smaller Ithaka minor.
I suggest visiting Cyprus Directly for a direct comparison between Ithaka (Baby & Daddy).
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I suggest visiting Cyprus Directly for a direct comparison between Ithaka (Baby & Daddy).
Yes, that would certainly be ideal and no doubt a wonderful experience by all accounts. I was, though, hoping to read a few personal impressions or reviews of the Ithaka minor before considering such a long journey.
In my system I have just Helene with Incito S but it performs so well that I can not imagine how much more I can get from any other higher models of Aries Cerat dacs. Hopefully I will find out soon. It will be very interesting journey with Aries cerat which upon first listening I felt love with. Here in Czech and Slovak republic are now discovering this brand and people are starting to lust over these incredible offerings from Stavros.
In my experience, Aries Cerat DACs consistently outperform their price bracket. After comparing the Kassandra to top-tier competitors, the competitively priced Helene DAC stands out for those with lower budgets. The Kassandra enhances musicality significantly, followed by the Ithaka, which offers rich, transparent, and effortless sound. While many high-quality DACs exist, some are beyond most budgets. Luckily, it's easier than ever to acquire a rich, smooth musical DAC without overspending
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In my system I have just Helene with Incito S but it performs so well that I can not imagine how much more I can get from any other higher models of Aries Cerat dacs. Hopefully I will find out soon. It will be very interesting journey with Aries cerat which upon first listening I felt love with. Here in Czech and Slovak republic are now discovering this brand and people are starting to lust over these incredible offerings from Stavros.
Hi, Zappadaddy.
Good to hear about the growing popularity of Aries Cerat in your part of Europe. And it’s not hard to see what you are hinting, so I’ll just ask directly: which DAC upgrade are you considering? Do you have any plans to audition the DAC candidate(s) at home or at your dealers? What points and characteristics will be most important in your purchase decision?

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