Verity Audio went out of business

I am saddened by this. They made very musical and forgiving speakers that continue to be enjoyed by a number of my friends.
Even though I was informed of the closure, I decided to buy a pair of Otellos in early January anyway. Why? Because after listening to them on trial at home for almost two months I was simply in love with them. And they are still bringing joy to my daily listens. It's really a shame. I hope someone can take up Verity’s legacy and continue the mission.
Very sad news....they made a long line of very musical, great speakers.
Very sad news. I always liked Verity Audio loudspeakers. At several stages in my audio life I had the VA Parsifal, it always gave me lots of aural pleasure.
Very sad news. I always liked Verity Audio loudspeakers. At several stages in my audio life I had the VA Parsifal, it always gave me lots of aural pleasure.
Very sad news indeed. Perhaps one issue is the Parsifal never really was updated.
Very sad news indeed. Perhaps one issue is the Parsifal never really was updated.
Au contraire, the Parsifal was updated several times, last as a 25th Anniv Edition. With Julien's tutelage last year I brought my Encores near that level by substituting the original 3/4" granite isolator with a 1" aluminum slab, replaced the old feet with 1/5" butcherblock (his idea), with IsoAcoustics Iso puck 76 stabilizers and 1/4" sorbo slabs between all upper surfaces. Raising the Parsifal up to 42.5" improved sit-down/stand-up transition, as well smoothing the room sound further. The icing was replacing the old copper jumpers with my ArgentPur solid silver ones.
Further, the magic of many of Verity's iterations was the use of the Art Audio midrange driver, who smoothness outside of "normal" passband is uncanny. When crossed to a good tweeter at 5.5kHz, let's say, the coherence...even in the very nearly incomparable.
For my placement well away from a front wall (flanking my Steinway B) I found it completely necessary to flip the woofer frontwards to mate perfectly. The fact that some VA speakers couldn't have their woofers front-firing perhaps limited their usefulness. When I spoke with Julien in 2022 he said that they were concentrating more on the EU (where they did well) than on North America. Hmmm....
I can imagine larger modern speakers whose overall performance is "bigger" and perhaps more macrodynamic (with less SAF!), like the new Stenheims et al, but the performance of my "old" Parsifals in my system was very clearly better than almost all the rooms I visited at AXPONA last week. Mes meilleur amities, Julien!
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Very sad indeed. Verity Audio is (was) a small Canadian company in Quebec City with only 5 to 8 employees over time in addition to the two principals - Julien Pelchat and Bruno Bouchard. Their speakers are musically engaging, detailed and non-fatiguing. They launched with the Parsifal 30 years ago and that speaker alone went through 5 iterations.
I bought a pair of Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations in 2010, and it was always my dream to eventually go up the food chain in their line. When I heard rumours earlier this year about ceasing operations, I looked for a pair of Verity Audio Arindal (the successor to the Amadis S). I took delivery of the Arindal last month and am enjoying them immensely. Only about 70 pairs were made since the Arindal was launched in 2022.
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Very sad indeed. Verity Audio is (was) a small Canadian company in Quebec City with only 5 to 8 employees over time in addition to the two principals - Julien Pelchat and Bruno Bouchard. Their speakers are musically engaging, detailed and non-fatiguing. They launched with the Parsifal 30 years ago and that speaker alone went through 5 iterations.
I bought a pair of Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations in 2010, and it was always my dream to eventually go up the food chain in their line. When I heard rumours earlier this year about ceasing operations, I looked for a pair of Verity Audio Arindal (the successor to the Amadis S). I took delivery of the Arindal last month and am enjoying them immensely. Only about 70 pairs were made since the Arindal was launched in 2022.

Good for you. Congratulations!

/ Marcus,
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This is a very sad news for the Audiophile community. I was born and live in the Laurentians, just north of Montréal, and I have been using my lovely pair of VA Parsifal Anniversary, in Makoré finish, and still today, after 10 years in, these are by far the best Speakers I have heard, in that price range.
I still remember the six plus hour drive, on December 30th, driving to Québec City, while Bruno was waiting for me to pick them up!
I am a semi-retired professional musician, and the Verity Audio speakers, and especially these Parsifal Anniversary, provide all of the realness tones, ambiance, textures, details, dynamics, attacks, rhythms, and more, that I have encountered in Studio, small Jazz Clubs, large rooms… they are just Amazing!
Kudos to Julien and Bruno. And thank you for all these precious listening moments, like just now, enjoying the precious sound of these lovely speakers.

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