Any cyclists here?

That is true. But their reliability is much higher than traditional drive systems. They are the only drive systems to survive the entire Tour Divide (or GDMBR) without service.

Maybe we can fit a chainsaw chain on the open transmission to at least cut through the dried mud?
For pulleys which is better? Sleeve or ball bearing

'Sealed' ball bearing is maintenance free other than clean the grease/grit off the outside of the pulley wheels themselves. Personally, I have had sealed ball bearing last longer. Lower cost Shimano (such as Ultegra and XT) use a ceramic sleeve and they wear pretty quickly. The Campy from the photo's is a fairly standard sleeve design using a sintered bronze sleeve with grooved steel shaft and may last longer than the Shimano ceramic with the proper maintenance; but off-road, sealed ball bearing is the way to go.
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I just use SPD and move them from bike to bike.
As much as I might hope, the thing doesn’t peddle itself down the road.

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