In search of a lasting vinyl compromise

Now that you mention it, I have questioned the depth of sound from Technics tables in the past. But I've never been familiar enough with the entire system in which I've heard them in order to be sure it was the table.
I had a Basis Debut vacuum table that had good depth but when AJ died I sold it for fearing the company would fail, it is still going today. Many people just adore the Technics tables and I can see why, they do have alot of strengths but also some weakness too if not mated with the right arms. I may take the plunge into the Kuzma world to see if that table can fill my analog needs.
I’ve listened to Grand prix Monaco with Thales statement arm a few times at dealer showroom, it’s a perfect fit for your music taste.
Hi Nick, thank you.
I am sure that this would indeed be a perfect fit. Unfortunately, this would bring me way above my budget.
On that basis, I followed XV-1's advice and just ordered a Technics SP-10-R with a Thales Simplicity II tonearm and a DS Audio OO3 (EQ cartrige/phono preamplifier).
The price of the Kuzma 4 point has increased recently and I understand that a SP-10-R would require rather a 14" than & 9". The price difference between the two models is substantial (EUR 4,220 to EUR 9,980).
I still need to make up my mind on the choice of the plinth, support base and phono cables. Regarding the plinth, XV-1 recommended an Acoustand Delrinium plinth. If others have alternative suggestions, they are welcome. Same with respect to support base and phono cables.
Many thanks in advance.
For isolation check out a Japanese brand called “Wellfloat“ they are fairly priced and very effective, you can get one for 300-400USD from Amazon Japan, shipping could be a problem though as most of them are shipped domestically. If you could manage to get one, just do it. I have a wellfloat board under my Transport, dac, pre-amp and phono, unfortunately they don’t offer large enough size for my turntable. These are one of the best deal in my Hi-Fi journey.
Many thanks Nick, I presume that you refer to their isolation base for that price rather than their rack. Is that right?
Regarding the SP 10 R plinth I would be interested to know if any of you have experience with Thomas Schick’s plinth.
Dear friends,
I finally ended up with a Thomas Schick plinth which seemed to me as being the best damping solution. I was interested in matching a DS Audio W3 cartridge with a Kuzma 4 Point (14 inches) on the Technics SP10R. DS Audio cartridges are said to need very low effective mass tonearms to work at their best. I discussed effective mass of the 4 Point line with Franc Kuzma in Munich and he was not really concerned in this respect. In his mind compliance was another key factor and a W3 could work well with a 4 Point (even the 14 inches - we did not discuss the Saphir as it was not long enough for an SP10R).
Ultimately, I went for an Alphason HR-200S which is a heavily revised version of the original HR-100 and is available in 9, 10.5 and 12 inch versions. I chose the 10.5 for the DS Audio W3. It is a superb aesthetic and mechanical match for the Technics (it uses the standard Linn arm mount).
Again thank you all for your insight and guidance.
Best regards


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Wow! Awesome. Just came across this. I have a similar tale. 30 Years without vinyl and originally had a Technics sl 1200 from 1976. Just got back into it with Technics sp10r and looked for a plinth. Settled on Artisan Fidelity who is now making an updated plinth with aluminum/magnesium alloy while still having those beautiful wood veneers over the alloy on the sides. Going with kuzma Safir9 and DS audio M3. I won't have it all together until the end of the year. Kessler who has heard all the DS Audio line up prefers the M3 to the Grandmaster EX. The really interesting part to me is all of the various versions of LPs currently out there. One pressing always superior to another. Does anyone know a site where versions are compared ?
Wow! Awesome. Just came across this. I have a similar tale. 30 Years without vinyl and originally had a Technics sl 1200 from 1976. Just got back into it with Technics sp10r and looked for a plinth. Settled on Artisan Fidelity who is now making an updated plinth with aluminum/magnesium alloy while still having those beautiful wood veneers over the alloy on the sides. Going with kuzma Safir9 and DS audio M3. I won't have it all together until the end of the year. Kessler who has heard all the DS Audio line up prefers the M3 to the Grandmaster EX. The really interesting part to me is all of the various versions of LPs currently out there. One pressing always superior to another. Does anyone know a site where versions are compared ?
Start with 'Discogs' !
The really interesting part to me is all of the various versions of LPs currently out there. One pressing always superior to another. Does anyone know a site where versions are compared ?
Best way to get burned, but you will learn a lot of things comparing pressings, and it is fun.

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