Aries Cerat Ianus Essentia Owners thread

Congrats Wil, I bet the Ageto Is absolutely fantastic! I just received my Impera Ref and I’m also really happy with the sound, although just trying to work out which tube combo I like the best with my Essentia amps.

Are you using the AC-link connection?
I am not using AC link. Maybe down the road but at this early stage I do not know what the added benefits would be. Do you use it?
I would appreciate if somebody with direct knowledge could explain me some things about Essentia:
(1) in my understanding you can use in the amps several types of tubes: E280f, E180, E810, D3a. These tubes have different amplification, as far as I know D3a has the highest. Does this have any influence on gain of the amp, i.e. if with D3a gain is higher?
(2) you can mix and match those tubes in any combination and and any position in the amp?
(3) are the target/optimal currents T1 and T2 different for each tube type?

many thanks.
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I am not using AC link. Maybe down the road but at this early stage I do not know what the added benefits would be. Do you use it?
I haven’t tried with the Impera yet as I’m still waiting on the cables to arrive, but when I tried with the Incito S pre amp, the difference was fairly obvious to my ears. I’ll share more when I get the cables
I've discovered that the Dual E280F in the Quintessence produces the most balanced sound in terms of dynamics, transparency, and tonal density. It conveys the music with a deep emotional resonance and avoids sounding thin. The details are present without feeling forced or overly pronounced.

When using the Dual 280F, it's generally best to mix tube manufacturers, as using the same manufacturer as Dual sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It's a trial-and-error process at this point and not very predictable.

As for the 6J11P, they are cost-effective and offer excellent sound quality. They produce a more linear sound, clean bass, and a slightly less thick tonality in the midrange. I personally love this pairing and often rotate between them.

Regarding the E282F, I've found that using a single tube in each amplifier works best for me; duals don't seem to work as effectively. It takes some time to bias this tube to find its sweet spot, but the effort is definitely worthwhile.

I haven't tried the E180F or the E810F yet (I plan to do so later). For now, I've found my sweet spot that works best for my ears and don't feel the need to experiment further at the moment.
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When using the Dual 280F, it's generally best to mix tube manufacturers, as using the same manufacturer as Dual sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It's a trial-and-error process at this point and not very predictable.

Which manufacturer's tubes did you like the best?
I've discovered that the Dual E280F in the Quintessence produces the most balanced sound in terms of dynamics, transparency, and tonal density. It conveys the music with a deep emotional resonance and avoids sounding thin. The details are present without feeling forced or overly pronounced.

When using the Dual 280F, it's generally best to mix tube manufacturers, as using the same manufacturer as Dual sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It's a trial-and-error process at this point and not very predictable.

As for the 6J11P, they are cost-effective and offer excellent sound quality. They produce a more linear sound, clean bass, and a slightly less thick tonality in the midrange. I personally love this pairing and often rotate between them.

Regarding the E282F, I've found that using a single tube in each amplifier works best for me; duals don't seem to work as effectively. It takes some time to bias this tube to find its sweet spot, but the effort is definitely worthwhile.

I haven't tried the E180F or the E810F yet (I plan to do so later). For now, I've found my sweet spot that works best for my ears and don't feel the need to experiment further at the moment.
I concur with your findings. My preference with Quintessence is dual E280Fs and dual 6J11P-Es. Single E810F is also nice.All combinations are nice by the way. My only remark with the 6J11Ps would be the large variations in bias as the grid voltage changes during the day and night.
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I concur with your findings. My preference with Quint. is dual E280Fs and dual 6J11P-Es. Single E810F is also nice.All combinations are nice by the way. My only remark with the 6J11Ps would be the large variations in bias as the grid voltage changes during the day and night.
Agree on the dual 6J11P’s - I’m running mine between 20-25 bias on the Essentia’s which seems to work well. Which brand of E280F have you enjoyed the most? Haven’t tried this combo yet…
I have only tried dual Valvo ?280F so far .
For my part I have found the Valvo E280F to be seductively harmonically textured in the upper base and mids , very fine with Bach Cello Suites, BWV 1007–1012 or Frances Albert … conversely imho Siemens ruggedised E280F pull away where Chamber Ensemble , Girl n Guitar or say a Sibelius Violin Concerto are concerned ymmv etc .
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The last time I checked, the Valvo came from the Siemens factory. The difference can then only relate to the year of production and the margin. But perhaps I am wrong in my assumptions.
The last time I checked, the Valvo came from the Siemens factory. The difference can then only relate to the year of production and the margin. But perhaps I am wrong in my assumptions.
Correct, well, 99% correct.
As far as i know two factories made these, Phillips and Siemens.Valvo seem to be made by the Phillips ,judging from codes and internals but could also be from Siemens(example i have found Mullard made by both factories.)

As far as SQ, according to our internal rating system you can find a stellar Siemens as well as normal ones, Valvo are all over ,and Mullard as well. All having correlation to on codes etc.

I would appreciate if somebody with direct knowledge could explain me some things about Essentia:
(1) in my understanding you can use in the amps several types of tubes: E280f, E180, E810, D3a. These tubes have different amplification, as far as I know D3a has the highest. Does this have any influence on gain of the amp, i.e. if with D3a gain is higher?
(2) you can mix and match those tubes in any combination and and any position in the amp?
(3) are the target/optimal currents T1 and T2 different for each tube type?

many thanks.

1.Yes the gain will change accordingly, depending on the tubes used. The final transfer curve of the amp is a combination of the transfer curves of the two tubes.
Example, using dual D3A would not present same gain as a combo of E282F and D3A(in reality the gain will be much closer to E282F )
2.Yes sockets are interchangable
3.The T2 is independent of the pair used, that is your preference of the T2 would probably remain the same.
The T1 optimal value will depend on the pair used,type, and if single or paired.

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1.Yes the gain will change accordingly, depending on the tubes used. The final transfer curve of the amp is a combination of the transfer curves of the two tubes.
Example, using dual D3A would not present same gain as a combo of E282F and D3A(in reality the gain will be much closer to E282F )
2.Yes sockets are interchangable
3.The T2 is independent of the pair used, that is your preference of the T2 would probably remain the same.
The T1 optimal value will depend on the pair used,type, and if single or paired.


Just now learning about Aries Cerat components. On the AC website, just a single 40W version of Essentia is listed, but on the Believe High Fidelity online shop, there seems to be a choice of three versions: 25W, 40W and 60W (8 Ohms).
1. Are those additional versions widely available, or only to BHF customers?
2. Are there extensive output circuit differences among the 3 versions?
3. The price differences are fairly small. Are there any other reasons for choosing the lower output versions?
4. Has anyone here actually heard the 25W or 60W versions?
5. How would performance of the 60W Essentia compare with the 65W QuintEssence?
Thanks for any and all comments.
Just now learning about Aries Cerat components. On the AC website, just a single 40W version of Essentia is listed, but on the Believe High Fidelity online shop, there seems to be a choice of three versions: 25W, 40W and 60W (8 Ohms).
1. Are those additional versions widely available, or only to BHF customers?
2. Are there extensive output circuit differences among the 3 versions?
3. The price differences are fairly small. Are there any other reasons for choosing the lower output versions?
4. Has anyone here actually heard the 25W or 60W versions?
5. How would performance of the 60W Essentia compare with the 65W QuintEssence?
Thanks for any and all comments.
No, on the AC website there are Protos (20 watts), Aperio (35 watts), Essentia (40 watts), QuintEssence (60 watts) and Geminae (130 watts...but not single ended).

These are all using TriodeFet technology.

Protos, Aperio and Essentia are all using basically the same circuit. QuintEssence is a new version of that circuit and Geminae is a circlotron version.
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No, on the AC website there are Protos (20 watts), Aperio (35 watts), Essentia (40 watts), QuintEssence (60 watts) and Geminae (130 watts...but not single ended).

These are all using TriodeFet technology.

Protos, Aperio and Essentia are all using basically the same circuit. QuintEssence is a new version of that circuit and Geminae is a circlotron version.

Yes, I did see on the AC website there is only one 40W version of the Essentia. Then how to explain the Believe High Fidelity store listing of 3 output versions (link):

Could there be new output variants that haven’t yet been added to the AC site? Or is the BHF store listing simply mistaken? That is my question.
Yes, I did see on the AC website there is only one 40W version of the Essentia. Then how to explain the Believe High Fidelity store listing of 3 output versions (link):

Could there be new output variants that haven’t yet been added to the AC site? Or is the BHF store listing simply mistaken? That is my question.
I don't think so but you may want to call BHF to see if there website is wrong.
Yes, I did see on the AC website there is only one 40W version of the Essentia. Then how to explain the Believe High Fidelity store listing of 3 output versions (link):

Could there be new output variants that haven’t yet been added to the AC site? Or is the BHF store listing simply mistaken? That is my question.
I woukd take the AC website as correct.
I woukd take the AC website as correct.

Yes, I suppose you and Willgolf must be right about that. If neither of you have heard of these output variants, then I guess they don’t exist. It sounded a bit too good to be true, honestly. Thanks to both of you for your replies.
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Power Cable Alternatives
There is little discussion of power cable options on the Aries forum, but I notice @Willgolf mentioned elsewhere a plan to upgrade the QSA Lanedri power cords on his Essentia amps. If I understand correctly, Will, you are currently powering your amps with QSA Lanedri Gamma Infinity PCs, correct? Would you like to share how the Gamma Infinity PCs have changed the sound you get from your Essentia’s? And generally, I’d love to hear from any Aries Cerat owner about your results with power cable alternatives.

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