Aries Cerat Ianus Essentia Owners thread

Power Cable Alternatives
There is little discussion of power cable options on the Aries forum, but I notice @Willgolf mentioned elsewhere a plan to upgrade the QSA Lanedri power cords on his Essentia amps. If I understand correctly, Will, you are currently powering your amps with QSA Lanedri Gamma Infinity PCs, correct? Would you like to share how the Gamma Infinity PCs have changed the sound you get from your Essentia’s? And generally, I’d love to hear from any Aries Cerat owner about your results with power cable alternatives.
I got the biggest jump in SQ from the Ultimatum Infinity Line. Everything was more detailed, more bass and very clear vocals. When you have multiple Ultimatums in your system it is hard to hear dicernible differences from a high-end system with the Gamma Infinity line. The reason I was going to add the Ultimatum Infinity PC's to the Essentias is that mono amps need more power than other components. I was going to move the Gamma Infinity PC's to my speaker crossovers. I will be interested to see what happens when I make those changes. I am in no way denigrating the Gamma Infinity line. Once you hear the Ultimatums it is hard to go backwards.
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I got the biggest jump in SQ from the Ultimatum Infinity Line. Everything was more detailed, more bass and very clear vocals. When you have multiple Ultimatums in your system it is hard to hear dicernible differences from a high-end system with the Gamma Infinity line. The reason I was going to add the Ultimatum Infinity PC's to the Essentias is that mono amps need more power than other components. I was going to move the Gamma Infinity PC's to my speaker crossovers. I will be interested to see what happens when I make those changes. I am in no way denigrating the Gamma Infinity line. Once you hear the Ultimatums it is hard to go backwards.
I can imagine the anticipation you must feel for the Ultimatum Infinity PCs; those cables have a sensational reputation. I’m curious to know whether you previously tried any non-QSA-L PCs on your Essentias (or your Ageto pre) and how the sound with those other cables differed from the Gamma Infinity PCs.
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I had Hijiri Takumi on my Essentias which is a very good power cord and I thought it was my last cord until QSA. I also had Inakustic silver pc's. Hijiri is better than Inakustic. Gamma Infinity is really close to Hijiri Takumi but far less expensive.
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I had Hijiri Takumi on my Essentias which is a very good power cord and I thought it was my last cord until QSA. I also had Inakustic silver pc's. Hijiri is better than Inakustic. Gamma Infinity is really close to Hijiri Takumi but far less expensive.
Thanks for the specific answer, Will. Your reply gives me a couple of helpful data points.
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Thanks for the specific answer, Will. Your reply gives me a couple of helpful data points.
try to get a hold on VYDA cables.
they are phenomenal cable over all and for PC in specific. Enrico is the most kind and knowledgeable person you ever meet in this business
and the amount of research he did with power cable is out of bounds.
his latest KORAL line (not cheap!) beat the most known and ultra $$$$$$ cable i owned, my entire Aries Cerat system are now connected with full loom of VYDA lab cables.
it is worth investigating. if you want the very best.

btw Vyda was in two room on full loom capacity at the last Munich show, the Alsyvox room and the Magico room.

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