5 Tax Breaks on the Chopping Block

inheritance is taxed at a much lower rate than work. It is an entitlement society, alright. But the recipients are all at the bottom and the top.


You seem to forget that money/assets left for heirs was already taxed....yet you think the gov't deserves another 50%. Thanks for chiming in Robin Hood. ;)
What party controlled congress in 2004?
The 108th Congress was in session in the years 2003-2004. In that Congress, Republicans held both the House of Representatives and the Senate, albeit by a thread.
The House of Representatives of the 108th Congress consisted of 227 Republicans and 210 Democrats, with one Democrat-leaning Independent and two vacancies.
The U.S. Senate of the 108th Congress consisted of 51 Republicans and 48 Democrats, with one Democrat-leaning Independent.

Looking only at the deficit figures is not enough. Here are actuals and estimates for both income and spending. What do you guys see?


*I'm not American so obviously I'm neither Democrat or Republican.
You seem to forget that money/assets left for heirs was already taxed....yet you think the gov't deserves another 50%. Thanks for chiming in Robin Hood. ;)


What party controlled congress in 2004?


Both parties waste money like there is no tomorrow. Obama is the king of the wasters, but if he wasn't around someone else would make up the difference.
You seem to forget that money/assets left for heirs was already taxed....yet you think the gov't deserves another 50%. Thanks for chiming in Robin Hood. ;)

I haven't forgotten that faulty rationale at all. If you tax it as income, the rationale dissolves; my father's income has been taxed. My income has not been.

Income may be the wrong thing to tax; that's another discussion. But we've chosen to tax it, then decided that certain kinds of income, primarily gained by the wealthy, don't count, or count for a lot less. Robin Hood in reverse. Oh, and by they way, if you're paying 50% on your inheritance income, you need better lawyers...and you'd be a lot better off paying income tax rates on it. You're fighting your own economic interests.

If income tax is an income redistribution device, it is failing. The concentration of income continues at an alarming rate. ,creating the wealthy one percent.
See the link I posted. You guys will get a better idea of where your money is going as it indicative of the priorities of the year on year ongoing appropriations regardless of who's controlling the legislature(s).
lol! What was going on the first six?
Here's some advice. Never belieive your own hype

Apparently you believe your own hype so where's that liberal tolerance we hear so much about? But thanks for the advice greggy...I'll certainly try and put it to good use.
What party controlled congress in 2004?


My apologies greggy. You are correct. The democrat party is the party of fiscal responsibility...thanks for clearing that up. You should be pol contributor on MSNBC.
My apologies greggy. You are correct. The democrat party is the party of fiscal responsibility...thanks for clearing that up. You should be pol contributor on MSNBC.

This is not a partisan issue. Fiscal responsibility and politics are mutually exclusive concepts. Even the tea party clowns are fiscally responsible as long as you don't touch military spending and don't raise taxes. In other words they are all poseurs. They just stike differents poses to appeal to different constituencies.
..this doesn't strike me as being clownish: http://www.teaparty-platform.com/

Empty rhetoric. Forget deficits and public spending for a moment. I am an atheist. A political movement that advocates minimizing the role of government yet is inspired by religion on social issues and wants to force these views down the throath of the American public are clowns. The Tea party is not committed to separation of Church and State.

I can have a serious debate with a hard core liberarian about the size of government, taxation and deficit spending. Tea Party not so much. Christian fundamentalism and the notion of small (NON INTRUSIVE!) government don't mix.
Empty rhetoric. Forget deficits and public spending for a moment. I am an atheist. A political movement that advocates minimizing the role of government yet is inspired by religion on social issues and wants to force these views down the throath of the American public are clowns. The Tea party is not committed to separation of Church and State.

I can have a serious debate with a hard core liberarian about the size of government, taxation and deficit spending. Tea Party not so much. Christian fundamentalism and the notion of small government don't mix.

Hi guys

while I respect your positions and different views, I find that we are beginning to step on egg shells. I am asking as always to keep discussion of religion and politics out of these debates. We'll all get along a lot better by doing such
Hi guys

while I respect your positions and different views, I find that we are beginning to step on egg shells. I am asking as always to keep discussion of religion and politics out of these debates. We'll all get along a lot better by doing such

Fair enough. I made my point and rest my case. Back to deficits and taxation!
Apparently you believe your own hype so where's that liberal tolerance we hear so much about? But thanks for the advice greggy...I'll certainly try and put it to good use.

The numbers don't lie.

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