Unlike some audio folk --another opinionated moment disclaimer-- I feel strongly that our systems are no better than their listening room-component interface allows them to use that space to peak advantage.
Very few of the listeners I know pay what I consider sufficient attention to this indispensable option for optimizing system performance. The result is that most of these people don’t know either the full capability of their equipment, nor what the system reveals when a new component is introduced to the mix.
David, I very much agree that getting the room acoustics and speaker placement right is indispensable in order to hear the full potential of a system. I have spent considerably more time and energy the last few years on optimizing the acoustics of my room than on making decisions about and testing equipment changes. And the acoustics, while now being very good, are still a compromise at this point.
Having just purchased an SME30/2 myself I would be curious about how it would stack up against the sp10. Especially since the 30/2 is meant to sound a bit more dynamic and explosive than the 30/12 although that latter having more authority and flow.
Having just purchased an SME30/2 myself I would be curious about how it would stack up against the sp10. Especially since the 30/2 is meant to sound a bit more dynamic and explosive than the 30/12 although that latter having more authority and flow.