Justin, this is kind of where I am
Other than the Denman Exponential Horn which alone stands as my single most cosmic experience in audio, yr Duettas stand head and shoulders above any spkr I've heard, incl all the mega $ usual suspects I've heard from Wilson to Magico to Rockport (please no bricks on my head from fans of those, just IMHO)
Nearest thrill ride was the Cessaro Liszts which had a similar "hairs up on back of neck" effect on me, but overall spell spoilt by discontinuous bass
Yr Interstellas just great across the board, from vertically scaled bass I've never heard anywhere w true depth, extension and speed
Mids that were v differentiated on the piano tone and impact of hammer/decay of note, and racy, tumbling quality to treble
The effect has not left my memory
And I would switch if considerations on install and system/room synergy as easy as my Zus, and budget in the bank
My current setup as of listening for 3 hrs straight today is that I've hit a rare level of utopia myself as you have, and if Apogees did not exist I would abs not be looking to move on
I'm going to mull over room size issues, appropriateness of 211s in a room 3x bigger than yrs, that ribbon tone on digital, the poss shortfalls of infrasonic bass noise from vinyl on those bass panels, and being open to having to consider SS if tube synergy w them just doesn't crystallise here, the fact that my current sound has caught up and in some ways exceeded my long term reference that first heard 2 yrs ago was wayyyy in front of mine (and I'm loathe to ditch a very good thing)
As I say, going to mull things over...