again, it only works due to the ignorance of the average audiophile. (they may read all the blurb in the mags, but really they know nothing)
MY speakers must be worth 100k!! (and they sound it, just between thee and me! haha)
I loved the post titled 'just like a bugatti' which lays out why my speakers are worth a hundred grand.
only a couple of quotes, which will both illustrate the ignorance of the audiophile, and show the 'power' of marketing blurb to the unknowing.
Most speaker cabinets are CNC machined MDF glued together by cabinet makers and sprayed with automotive paint then filled with Dacron.. Drivers are off the shelf Seas, Scan-Speak, Peerless..whatever..
Well, mine are not. They use PRO drivers which these do!! (cept for the tweeter, which is a morel) and what is more, mine are made of concrete. So definitely not MDF.
The drivers are proprietary, and the 18" woofer os 100Db sensitive ... good luck finding that. Proprietary, well dunno about that. We hear that all the time (they HAVE to say that, else we'd just go and buy it from madisound), anyway the 18 I use is 98 db sens, ...funnily enough the blurb from PHL says 'sensitivity sacrificed for sound quality'. Anyway, it took me no trouble to 'find that'.
The mid and horn are in a separately sealed internal enclosure. Sheesh, they ALL need to be!! (dunno about the horn, sounds like that would be sealed anyway). If you did NOT have a seperate encl;osure for each the pressure of the bass driver (forget that it is an 18, any bass driver) would blow the mid (or at least affect it adversely). Most tweeters are sealed, yet I guess you can turn it into a sales point ('Seperate chamber for the tweeter'...just don't mention that it is built that way)
MINE is a four way, in other words I have a seperate chamber for the upper bass AND the mid. Does that make it worth 120 k???
Just as a funny aside, I knew a guy (commercial) who built his speakers out of veneered MDF. When they veneer the mdf they need to veneer BOTH sides else the board will warp, ie you need to balance the stresses. Obv you use second grade veneer on the bad side.
How does marketing use this?? "Veneered inside and out'' hahaha. I mean it was true but WTF!?
The damping inside is natural sheeps wool, not poly fill. Heck, come over to australia and have a look at the stockpile of wool that could not be sold.
The back mounted crossover is in an independently sealed enclosure of its own and is completely removable without opening the speaker. Mine are active, use two deqx units, they are not even IN the cabinets!!
The crossover is mounted on a plate which has slots for airflow and cooling if someone decides to be playing at concert level. This prevents any drift or anomalies from a hot crossover. Does this imply it is a passive speaker?? Heck, mine are active. It is mentioned that they used four amps, maybe it is line level active?? If so, why mention the hot crossover??
And before I forget, is not something that costs 100 k supposed to look good? Why does it instead look like a ten dollar piece of tinsel?
Mine look fantastic.