Aww man, I canna believe some people fell for it!! I wanted someone to ask that ya know haha. (just gagging, in case it came across the wrong way)
Ok then, here are some pics, and you tell me they are not the most gorgeous thing you have ever seen!
The bottom driver is a PHL 18, then a PHl ten and PHL 6.5, with a morel tweeter. I also run two maelstrom 18 subs (not pictured)
Hope they come up. (they did, sorry about the size) As you can 'see', there are two drivers (apart from the tweeter) that need to be in their own separate chamber. Not something I personally would have thought a sales point, but some do evidently.
I did mean to say a few generic things. The one thing that seems to be common amongst those who hear my system is along the lines of 'that is NOT a normal hi fi sound' or words to that effect.
Tho that could mean an insult, it usually means it sound completely different to *most* hi fi systems out there. (good or bad, at least very different).
that seems to be one of the take away observations of the Daniel Hertz speakers too.. what is it down to?? the pro drivers?? active?? the deqx?? all of the above, none??
Interesting that their use of pro drivers kinda elicits similar responses.
One thing I am pretty sure of, there is nothing that beats a damn good bass sound. He uses 18's, I use 18's...and everyone is blown out by my bass.
Hi fi systems just sound 'different', really hard to put a finger on it.