What is with some of you? In other threads when the topic of a superior type of bass is mentioned, most go silent. But since I've opened this thread, MANY now claim to have it? Go figure.
Let's think about this. Now you didn't, but let's think about this. If many have a superior / musical bass, then it really ain't so superior / musical now, is it? When many have anything, It's called the norm or average. And I suspect this is exactly what you're really thinking here. But because you followed the magic grid and moved your speakers around a bit and noticed a little improvemnet, you think you're there and you assume that's what I'm talking about. Not even close.
Most of us? Are you the official mascot now for high-end audio presenting its case against the free advice I offered? Got any evidence to support this claim of "most of us"? If not, I'm guessing the "most of us" is imaginary and this topic is new to you.
For many, I'd venture your comment isn't too far off the mark. But then I happen to think high-end audio's greatest deficiency is many of its participants lack even basic listening skills. If that is true, then speaker placement shouldn't really matter to many now would it? If many lacked the ability to discern what to listen for, they'd never find it. Thereby confirming again my suspicion that you lack understanding or experience.
And? I've listened to a few of Peter's in-room videos and I think his videos serve him well as he's obviously made great strides in recent years. But I don't recall anything special about the bass regions nor his emphasizing even once achieving a type of superior / musical bass that dramatically sets his bass and music presentation apart from others. Then again, according to you MANY have gone the painstaking route of positioning speakers and already have a superior / musical bass. We still can't hear it at shows or showrooms or most anywhere else but according to you most everybody else has it?
Maybe I missed that post, but I'm guessing if Peter had experienced it, he'd probably be sharing that experience occasionally, at least perhaps in this thread. IOW, it's overwhelming and undeniable when it occurs as it's most likely the greatest single improvement somebody like you could ever experience in playback audio. In fact, I'm still amazed how you and so many others have kept this light hidden under a bushel for so long - at least until I opened this thread.
Did Jim Smith do an excellent job at Peter's? Or does it really only matter that Jim was there because you read his excellent book and since that's where your hope, faith, and trust rests, that's good enough for you?
Obviously, you purchased Jim's book. Does Jim mention in his book anything about a superior / musical type of bass or the dramatic transformation thereof? What page and paragraph?
Do you know first- or secondhand that Peter now has a truly superior / musical bass?
Peter is certainly capable of producing a nice in-room video that could demonstrate the superior bass Jim provided him. But what might it say about you and your faith if per chance Peter still does not have what is considered a superior / musical bass that sets itself apart from others, but instead just has a nice pleasant run-of-the-mill bass that's maybe just a tad more musical than his buddies?
Or do you think just because somebody / anybody writes a book and offers consulting services they must be an expert? If this is your line of thinking, then perhaps you should read "The Audio Expert". I've not read it but it just might be right up your alley.
Really? Why not share your experience of "getting it right", how you did it, what's different, etc. Of course, an in-room video of any kind, even mono, would really help substantiate your words.
But as with your other text, I'm a bit confused here also. If MANY of us have a truly superior / musical bass by painstakingly positioning our speakers and/or bought Jim's book (implying some have not) and since you claim you "got it right", then why are you not supporting my effort here to help ensure others are aware of its existence and that it's entirely free? Or are you just upset because maybe you really don't have the superior bass you thought?
Good for you.
Perhaps Peter is willing to provide an in-room recordng demonstrating a superior / musical type of bass that Jim delivered. If not, why not ask Jim for an in-room recording video of one of his client's rooms that you could post here demonstrating the superior / musical type of bass you're thinking of? Shouldn't be too difficult, right? I'm sure Jim would be happy to oblige since it's an excellent marketing opportunity for both you and Jim.
Thanks, mommy. But taking into consideration all the potential deficiencies here, I really don't give a rat's behind even if the allegation was true. Nevertheless, such deragatory ad hominem comments say more about the person making them and those like you that condone and partake in such behavior. Given your comments, did my adage about wisdom vs foolish go over your head?
Videos ain't the tell-all for sure but as stated elsewhere but they can certainly give a good indication what a system is or isn't. And an in-room recording certainly tells anyone with even the most basic listening skills more about what you think you're heariing than your mere words.
My room has carpeting/pad and some minimal furishings so I'd hardly call it an untreated room. But it does not include any purchased acoustic treatments if that's what you mean. Does Jim say it's a requirement?
Oh, and the 100+ db is significant. One is to ensure a fraction of the gestat makes it to the recording. Two is most systems are simply intolerable near or at these listening levels. By all means, crank up some Van Halen just to confirm.
What's funny is you make this horror face because you cannot comprehend what's going on. What you cannot comprehend is, I don't need acoustic treatments like you do and I play my music upwards of 100+ db because I can and it's frickin' enjoyable as all git out. What you fail to comprehend is you and MANY others cannot do these things.
We agree on something. Last time I checked, limitations are everywhere and infinite. But was there a point to stating the obvious?
Well, Mike's system is quite a ways up the food chain. I was kinda' hoping to start off with a much easier system like perhaps yours. But I suppose that wouldn't be a good use of our time. Good thinkiing on your part.
Without blinking an eye, I absolutely would choose mine. I mean that is the response you were dying to hear, right?
Mike seemingly is quite fastidious performing due diligence when required, etc. As near as I can tell, he gets it and he has a tremendous passion for high-end audio. I only wish others approached high-end audio with his passion. Hint, hint.
IOW, Mike is no slouch and I'd venture his system isn't either. Unlike you, Mike comprehends much about this industry. But he did say in this thread that a superior / musical bass does exist but it's not free and one had to pay the piper and I've no clue what he meant by that. Near as I can tell, Mike (and others), put great reliance on status quo items like acoustic treatments, custom rooms, traditional forms of vibration mgmt, etc for which I've no use. Mike's system has most of the near best of everything whereas my podunk system has almost nothing. Clearly our wallets and strategies toward building an extremely well-thought-out system are perhaps polar opposite in most cases.
Given that and having never actually heard Mike's system (I never presume performance with my eyes) and given what I've accomplished with my system, if I were to enter some winner-take-all type of competition with all the marbles at stake, I'd have to opt to enter my own over Mike's.
Is that ample enough fodder for ya' big guy?