Goldmund makes beautiful speakers. And I really like their concept of bringing a wireless, all-in-one system to this level of sound quality, craftsmannship and exterior design.My other brother Larry, he likes these...
I would certainly hope so.Do you know whether they included a room correction into their models as well?
Of course, its their flagship and all 25 have been sold, IIRC.Goldmund makes beautiful speakers. And I really like their concept of bringing a wireless, all-in-one system to this level of sound quality, craftsmannship and exterior design.
Is the one on the picture the Apologue Anniversary? Do you know whether they included a room correction into their models as well?
Yes, I have.Hello
(...) Did anyone try the Avantgarde Zero XD models ?
My wife has never seen an ATC but she has denounced both the Kii and the D&D.ATC are good but WAF is a no-go.
Kii3 and Dutch 8c are also on my short list.
I am more and more interested in active or semi active speakers . Did anyone try the Avantgarde Zero XD models ?
I had the Zero XD full active model. With its striking design, as a package, with built-in DAC and amplifier modules, the Zero is hard to beat. One can also utilise the built-in parametric equaliser to compensate, somewhat, for room anomalies.
Unlike the semi-active models in the Avantgarde line which can sound a bit disjointed when not properly set up, the Zero active version sounds quite coherent, provided that you sit within the 2 - 3 m window from the speakers.
The Zero active version is quite transparent to the quality of the digital input though, with differences in various CD transports on the SPDIF input quite obvious. Unfortunately, the USB input is limited to 16/48 signals and does not sound as good as the SPDIF or AES/EBU inputs.
This review summarises the speaker quite well -
The semi-active version of the Zero will sound quite different from the active version, depending on the amplifier and source.
Yes I agree it should sound different but no way for me to test the full active version...
The semi active demo has been done with the same preamp/ amp I am using (Accuphase) so it is giving me a better idea.
The full active is tempting as it's a all in one with the pros and cons. As I have already a pretty good DAC /preamp/ amp systems I am still a bit reluctant to sell everything...