Albedo Silver Cable Demo


Jan 18, 2019
FL Panhandle
We began testing Albedo Cables today in our system. They are silver wires made with monocrystalline technology. Oz flew in today from NY and our dealer drove in from Alabama (Tony @ Ellington HIFI). And a local audiophile joined us as well.

The four of us began with the interconnects and changed one set of cables at a time. We listened to the same songs over and over again. With the change of each cable we could hear small differences for the better.

Initial reaction is very good, better base, more air around instruments, more detail, etc. Since I have to break these in it will be another week (24/7) before I know much more.

Here’s a pic. Notice it is two cables per speaker - one pos and the other neg. Please excuse the mess, but everything will be back to order in about three weeks or so.

Our new Vitus gear (DAC, Line Stage, Transport) just arrived and will be installed next week. So we are excited.

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The burn in process took a new leap last night. More detail, resolution, and the bass is kicking in. Decided to put on some Santana for a while. This is a killer soundstage and just magical sound.

Please excuse the messy cable look, we’re are demoing …

Over the past week or so we’ve listened to a loom of Albedo Silver cables. My wife’s and I impressions follow.

We have a very resolving system. It demands the very best.

Our System:

Magico M3 speakers
Vitus SM-103 Mono Amps
Vitus Masterpiece MP-L201 MK.II Line Stage
Vitus Masterpiece MP-D201 MK.III DAC
Vitus Masterpiece MP-T201 MK.II CD Transport

J. Sikora Standard Max Line Turntable
VAC Renaissance Mk V Phono Pre
Air Tight Opus 1 and MSL Signature Platinum carts

Aurender NA30 Streamer
Aurender ACS10 CD Ripper

Shunyata Everest Power Conditioner
Shunyata Omega (silver)Cables

Albedo Results:

A previously unknown veil has now been lifted from our system. Music is more enjoyable than ever. Albedo monocrystal Silver cables allow us to realize the full potential of our audio system. Albedo cables are made like a fine Swiss watch. On top of this they are beautiful cables to behold. Awesome craftsmanship.

These cables are transformational. Our sound stage has blossomed. It’s huge! Not only do the speakers continue to do their disappearing act, but it seems from the sound that there aren’t any walls or ceiling left in our room. There’s an excellent separation of the instruments and voices on the soundstage (just the right amount of air between them) and yet there’s an overall cohesiveness or unity of the music as a whole. We are enveloped by music!

There’s no end to the layering we are hearing. The micro and macro dynamics are off the charts. Transparency. PRaT. We hear all the detail in the recordings without growing weary of listening. And for the record I listen for app 8 + hours per day. Normally at least two hours of this time is critical listening.

The bass on Magico M3 speakers is excellent and is very well defined. However, the Albedo Monocrystal Silver Cables further highlight what the Magicos are capable of. The bass is tighter. The midrange is clearer and life-like. The treble resolution spot on! The imaging is tremendous. We noticed attacks are clearer and sense of space being broaden.

The clarity of our system has dramatically changed. The backgrounds are clean without any grain at all. Transparent, speed, accuracy, tonality, density, and so very musical. We’re at the venue!

I can’t locate any faults with these cables!

In Summary:

We’ve have demoed numerous other cables in our system during the past six months or so. These include, Analysis Plus, Audioquest, Kimber, Nordost, Shunyata, Siltech, Transparent, and Wireworld. None of these other cables give us the glorious sound we are now receiving! There’s literally no comparison.

Albedo Silver Cables are World-Class End Game Cables!

I want some!
Congratulations to your excellent system!

Regarding the Albedo silver cables, I believe that they have a number of levels of cables from "Beginning/Blue" to "Metamorphosis Signature". Can you go into more detail on what was the level of cables that you tested?
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Congratulations to your excellent system!

Regarding the Albedo silver cables, I believe that they have a number of levels of cables from "Beginning/Blue" to "Metamorphosis Signature". Can you go into more detail on what was the level of cables that you tested?
I tested a combination of different cables. We replaced one at a time listened and then changed another one to hear the differences. Every stage was an immense difference.

Their most basic cable compares IMO to like a Shunyata Sigma. The Signature has no comparison IMO.

I just ordered some Signatures to use long term … if they work the way I think they will I’ll be ordering some more.
Wow - to place above Shunyata Omega is high praise indeed!
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The first of our new Albedo cables arrived today. That is Mono-Crystal Silver Cables!

Two Metamorphosis Signature PCs and one set of Metamorphosis Signature interconnects arrived.

Even without being broken-in the initial impact of these cables is amazing. There is more presence, the sound stage is absolutely amazing (multiple layers of sound), and the bass and mids are off the charts. These are a lifetime investment for quality sound.

There are app 500 orders of Albedos in the pipeline before they get to the rest of our order. Can’t wait for the entire loom.

Listener Beware: Once heard they can’t be unheard. IMO once you hear Albedo nothing else will satisfy!

Thanks Tony (Ellington HiFi).

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That is awesome Joe!
I have only listened to the Albedo’s at shows where Oz has a room. The build standards and metalurgy is excellent and it is good to know that translates to stellar sonics.
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That is awesome Joe!
I have only listened to the Albedo’s at shows where Oz has a room. The build standards and metalurgy is excellent and it is good to know that translates to stellar sonics.


Many thanks. Yes, OZ brought them over to the house. Once I heard them I couldn’t forget them. After listening to a host of cables, I knew these were the ones. Once you hear them you are spoiled.
@Audire - thanks for posting. Seems like Albedo Metamorphosis is somewhat a sonic bargain as it compares with much pricier cables. I was targeting a silver speaker cable like the AQ William Tell Silver or the Siltech Classic Legion 880, but the Albedo seems like a better choice.
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@Audire - thanks for posting. Seems like Albedo Metamorphosis is somewhat a sonic bargain as it compares with much pricier cables. I was targeting a silver speaker cable like the AQ William Tell Silver or the Siltech Classic Legion 880, but the Albedo seems like a better choice.

It’s the best cable I’ve ever heard in my system. Our system has been transformed and I haven’t even received the rest of the loom yet. They aren’t cheap (and there are more expensive cables out there), but IMO they are worth every penny. Clean precise natural sound …
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I’ve just connected my new Albedo metamorphosis. They are the mki. I got the demo from the UK distributor.
I come from basic tellurium II black, so it’s easy to feel the jump: more holographic, 3D, quieter, richer.
I am listening at low volume now as it’s late in Paris. Tomorrow I will be able to do a proper session. I wasn’t expecting them to be so thick. I’ll be in big trouble when my wife walks in the living room tomorrow


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I have a very interesting experience with Albedo Metamorphosis Monocrystal speaker cables. Connecting them turned a set consisting of a very old Emitter I amplifier, an old Linn Majik DS, some mediocre power cables and interconnect , a very old JBL1000 into a very pleasant sounding system with a sound close to natural with a good recording The leap upwards was so to my ear by two classes. I can't explain it in any way, nor did I expect such an effect. Maybe one of my colleagues can explain it to me ? If it goes on like this I will start to believe that a teaspoon of wine turns a barrel of water into a slightly worse wine
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Albedo metamorphosis metamorphed my audiophile life. I’m curious to know if PC and IC can bring the same magic into systems.
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I have been hearing a lot about Albedo lately. A dear friend of mine has offered to let me demo one or two of these cables in my system.
Two Metamorphosis Signature PCs and one set of Metamorphosis Signature interconnects arrived.

. . . the bass and mids are off the charts.
What does this mean? How does the cable change the sound of the "bass and mids"?

You have terrific components (in my opinion). In concept, why would you even want your cables to change the "bass and the mids"?
Albedo metamorphosis metamorphed my audiophile life. I’m curious to know if PC and IC can bring the same magic into systems.
With a set of silver cables is better to be careful - this combination does not always work when listening to classics. Some records may sound harsh. But for that, if you get it right with the selection of cables for the system, it can be a revelation.
With a set of silver cables is better to be careful - this combination does not always work when listening to classics. Some records may sound harsh. But for that, if you get it right with the selection of cables for the system, it can be a revelation.
Yes. That applies to poor silver cables.
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Albedo metamorphosis metamorphed my audiophile life. I’m curious to know if PC and IC can bring the same magic into systems.
Unfortunately once you start to go for top grade upocc silver in ICs or speaker cables the all upocc silver signal loom becomes an irresistible conclusion including the hookup cables in the speakers.

But I have found going all copper for PC works fine in with this strategy also. Everyone’s mileage may well vary based on the context of the system.
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