Let's be clear there are original Apogees, Martin Logans and Quads that are original that have not been touched after 20 years and in some people's opinion have a clean bill of health.
I strongly suggest that isn't the case. They will NOT perform as new. Replacing the panels will give them a shock.
The Quad restoration market is strong. ML panel replacement is commonplace. I ran the survey linked below years ago. I think it has been manipulated since the amount of claims of over 20 years has increased in recent years. But still 35% odd have failed according to this with 10 years. That's pretty unacceptable, really, unless you are:
1) Aware that this may happen.
2) You can live with it as a reality of owning what is, let's face it, a fairly esoteric method of reproducing sound on a large scale.
My own experience is far worse than this. But I am a critical listener and won't accept even the slightest drop in performance. And I still use the bloody things, LOL
Original Apogees often failed due mainly to deterioration of the foam used to support the bass panel perimeter, but also due foam deterioration elsewhere, foil from Kapton separation (failing adhesive), and warping etc.
All speakers are ultimately doomed, but planars are doomed more quickly than conventional speakers.
Support for planar repair is fairly essential. A 5 year warranty is good, though. And if you manage to provide a service department in the US then all credit to you.
Be aware that sales at this end of the market will be very few and far between, however.
Note I currently use planar magnetics and was very involved with producing the ones I have.
Anyone is free to disagree with me. But these are my beliefs gained from masses of practical experience.