If you would Like the correct price for the Alsyvox Please go to Drvinyl.net and email me .
Thanks Dr Vinyl
Thanks Dr Vinyl
The Titorettos do excellent in a !2.5X15 roomMaybe bigger houses only then. Even the smaller unit would need plenty of space I would say. I can't fault the build or the sound though, and they enter the planar market with not that much competition. We are taking about these in comparison to the old stalwarts, many now gone. But the sound is good enough and the appearance to bring in newbies, those audiophiles who have not considered panels before.
If they can work with SETs that would be good thing IMO. Older panels tended to have punishing impedance curves and thus sent everyone down SS amplification. Not to say about the unreliable / arching Quads.
We need some customer feedback, and more reviews to know for sure.