Alsyvox planars...prepare to sell your Magico's, YG's, Wilson's, Cessaro's. Maggie's, and all others!!

If you would Like the correct price for the Alsyvox Please go to and email me .
Thanks Dr Vinyl
Maybe bigger houses only then. Even the smaller unit would need plenty of space I would say. I can't fault the build or the sound though, and they enter the planar market with not that much competition. We are taking about these in comparison to the old stalwarts, many now gone. But the sound is good enough and the appearance to bring in newbies, those audiophiles who have not considered panels before.

If they can work with SETs that would be good thing IMO. Older panels tended to have punishing impedance curves and thus sent everyone down SS amplification. Not to say about the unreliable / arching Quads.

We need some customer feedback, and more reviews to know for sure.
The Titorettos do excellent in a !2.5X15 room
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Henk's grands play bigger than the biggest Wilson's, with a lot of might. Easy to go hear
Thanks...I am not surprised by that...but they are HUGE in practical terms...more akin to Genesis 1s in some respects...over 7 feet tall and 32" wide by 39" deep. Plus the amount of amps/cables required is also a big commitment. By contrast, the Caravaggio or even the Arrakis are smaller footprints which take up less and/or more friendly cubic volume. I was hoping to make the comparison between Caravaggio to big Wilsons/Focals, get a sense of whether the Caravaggios would be a big step up over the Wilsons in all-out scale.
Marc, I don’t dispute for one second that they may have had the best bass you have ever heard in a home system.

I love Apogees. But I would be curious to see a frequency response chart showing Duetta output below 30Hz.

Your wish is my command, Ron.

That was is 2014.

I am very tempted to delete all the YouTube videos and replace them with videos using a decent mic. Why? Because when I record that system using a decent Rowland digital recorder, it sounds much more like the speaker. A lot better, basically.

Also please note this is in-room.

Another thing to be really wary of is that it is very easy to confuse bass extension with bass quantity. Some big 18 inch woofers pushing out way too much 30Hz bass will sound completely different.

But the FR plot I posted is real. They do go down to around 20Hz +/- 0DB, but are bass heavy above.

Note the difference between a standard Duetta and Interstella. I believe the sturdy frame bracing gives the better behaved bass, but that said a standard Duetta's bass response is bloody good fun on the ear.
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So you may ask the question where are they minus 3 or even minus 6 DB quoted by other manufacturers?

I don't know the software ignores sub 20Hz. But I can tell you they have a bloody good go at 15Hz.

Never ceases to amaze me.
I listen to every type of music and rock the least.
Gwalt, can you explain please in as much details as you can, how these speakers deal with classical music and with the reproduction of acoustic instruments? Which speakers have you used in the past?
I will do the best to remember my list of speakers but not sure what it has to do with owning Alsyvox. I will try to start when I was young but that was a long-time ago. The list as I remember is as follows:

ADS 710
ADS 810
Dunlavy SC IVa
Magnepan llla
Magnepan Tympani IVa
ESP Concert Grand 2nd series with (3) 8 inch woofers
Avantgarde Duo Mkll horn
Edgarhorn Titan Horn series ll with folded midbass horn and basshorn sub.
Living Voice OBX RW
Gamut RS7i

In addition, I have heard many others some of which are discussed on this forum including the popular Wilsons, YG, Rockports, Cessero's, etc.

Properly set up Alsyvox is a very revealing fast speaker with no colorations. This will be highlighted with system components and or set-up.

Alsyvox plays everything I have thrown at it with speed and precision.
The end result is you won't be disappointed with the music type you mentioned due to their ability to create extremely accurate timbre and a large soundstage. I might ad I have not heard all types of music with my limited ownership timeframe.
To best describe them would not represent everyone's opinion to hear it differently than I did.

Most of these questions of a lot of these previous posts would only be answered to each poster by making a trip somewhere to accurately hear them with your own music in hand. I think that is really the best answer I can afford without knowing musical tastes and or preferences in sonic ability.
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The new price Fo the
Tinttoretos is $69000
Boticellis is $99000
This are the latest speakers
I would like to set the record straight on mis-information that gets created in these forums and this time the Leonardo speakers from posts above.
I was able to obtain accurate information from Daniele the designer of both the Leonardo and the new Alsyvox speakers.
Quote: Leonardo speakers are not made any longer since the end of 2013. Daniele's ex-partner is keeping the website on without his permission but he does not know how to build them and is not allowed to make them as Daniele owns patent and the technology. There might be one or two pairs still for sale from the North American distributor. The final version had a retail of $65K and if available today it would be higher due to increased costs.
The Alsyvox is the result of 4 more years of further development those namely being the introduction of neodymium magnets, new proprietary mid tweeter and super tweeter in a special compact assembly that enhances the top frequency performance. Solid teakwood enhances value of ne design.
I hope this clears up any speculation on the older Leonardo whereabouts. They are no longer made and are an older design from the same builder.
I can assure the information I have posted is accurate instead of make believe as above.
I can also assure you the Alsyvox is the real deal speaker if you want to explore a planar design. I am discovering my music collection over again and have rekindled in music emotion which is what these speakers do. They seem to get even better with time.
As stated if you ever want to make a visit for further curiosity you are welcome to an invite.
Hahahah, so now the price is not $85K , but $99K and "I" was accused of making up prices?
As I said before, PRICES are fluid and they change all the time based on MARKET realities. I didn't appreciate my integrity being questioned (I didn't question yours), but I left this post alone TIME is longer than any rope and truth always wins out.
Hahahah, so now the price is not $85K , but $99K and "I" was accused of making up prices?
As I said before, PRICES are fluid and they change all the time based on MARKET realities. I didn't appreciate my integrity being questioned (I didn't question yours), but I left this post alone TIME is longer than any rope and truth always wins out.

What truth are you talking about? I stated the facts in the post and obtained them from the designer when the facts were posted. His price on the Botticellis then were $87K. So I made you mad stating the bad!
The new facts apparently are that the designer raised his prices since that post. Were you in the market for a set of Alsyvoxes? If so I guess you missed out but it appeared all you wanted to do was troll about the facts. My facts I stated in the post are the same.....Leonardos are no longer made and Alsyvox is with new prices.
In addition, Dr. Vinyl is an approved dealer back east. You may contact him with any further questions regarding Alsyvox.
The truth that you conveniently mentioned but ignore the implication of. I said it clearly that prices quoted at different times CAN be and many times ARE different. In retort you said: "I can assure the information I have posted is accurate instead of make believe as above."

I was quoted $40k, but you all but called m a liar and $40K times is les LESS than the $87K you said the price was back then. If people can RAISE prices over time, they damn well can LOWER them too. THAT was my point!!! Back then the prices in force based on what I KNOW were $87K and $40K.

I also said that BOTH had good SQ feedback from people who heard them, I didn't attempt to say which was better or more updated...just that you can get the older design for half price (and the risk of medium/long term loss of support)...if that is all you can afford.

That's all from me on this matter! I am out for good now.
I visted Dr. Vinyl in Laural MD to lisen after see this post.

Pricing in the USA:

Loved the sound, the Mcgary AMP is extremely good for $3800. If i could find a buyer for my current speakers, I would buy these.
Just to interject you do not need to spend this type of money - I welcome you and all members of this forum to hear and audition the GT Audioworks crossoverless Planar speakers at $17,500 The matching open baffle servo subs with inc. amps
Range from $7900 to $29,000 for the 6 -12 inch subs per side
We will be exhibiting with Zanden Audio, Sound Insight and Richard Grey at Axpona from April 12-14 in Room 1430
We had rave reviews at CAF
See below video

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No question about the Tintoretto panels being up to task. Sorry if my post came across otherwise. I was just making the point that at circa $65kUS there is some stiff competition. For example, the GT Audio Works GTA3r panels + 2 x 12" Sound Insight servo subs and amps are $23.5k, plumb down to 15Hz, and have the same efficiency (93db @4 ohms) as the Tintoretto's. Are the Alsyvox speakers more than 2 1/2 times better? I'd find that a stretch.

But let's not jump to conclusions on the overall sound until we've heard both. Alsyvox will be at RMAF this year, and GT Audio Works is a perennial show at CAF. One thing we can judge without audition are aesthetics and build quality to a certain extent, based on many photos on the net. Being an owner of Alsyvox Botticelli and having heard them at shows, it is perhaps the most beautiful planar speaker I have ever seen. The build quality is superb utilizing stainless steel, acrylic, teak wood, hefty binding posts, etc. I haven't seen the GTA3r personally, but I do know it is made of MDF frame, so you don't have the precision, resonance control, and mass of the Alsyvox. And the Alsyvox truly looks like Italian furniture or art, whereas the GT Audio Works, well, looks like any other plain vanilla planar speakers I've seen. And the woofer towers doesn't match the planar speakers in height or aesthetics, a kind of an afterthought. I know, I know...The Alsyvox is 2.5x more expensive, but you get the quality as expected of the price. It's crazy expensive for sure, but I rather spend my money on these speakers than a BMW or Mercedes, which will give you endless headaches and repair costs once the warranty is over. But some don't give a rats ass about aesthetics, in which case more power to you.

Yes, the GTA3r has those huge bass towers and will go down lower, but I'm not sure which will have better bass quality. I do own two open baffle subs using the same driver and plate amp used in the subwoofer towers of the GTA3r. Mine is essentially 1/3 the size of the towers and flat to 20 Hz and -3dB at 18 Hz. My subs sound very open, clean, and clear compared to most sealed subs, but my subs still can not compare to the quality of the Alsyvox bass.

I'm very interested in the crossoverless planar magnetic drivers in the GTA3r, which I think is no easy feet to accomplish if it sounds as good as some have claimed. If GTA3r achieves sound quality comparable to the Alsyvox, it will be the biggest "bargain" in high end speakers. I hope that is the case, so more people can enjoy truly high end sound.
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I dont know the price of these as I have no financial interest, but I do know that for being a relatively new company they are asking Martin Logan Neolith prices. Now they can certainly charge this as the performance is of that caliber. Unlike most panels they have dynamics and the frame is very well built. I would say if you are willing to risk it knowing the Leonardo/Alsyvox history then it would be a great alternative to Magico/Wilson/Rockport/etc camps.

I have heard the Neoliths multiple times. This is just my lowly opinion, but the Alsyvox is a better speaker. I have also heard the Magico, Wilson, and Rockport speakers in similar price range. The only one I would consider is the Rockport Altair, but not over the Alsyvox.
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I have heard the Neoliths multiple times. This is just my lowly opinion, but the Alsyvox is a better speaker. I have also heard the Magico, Wilson, and Rockport speakers in similar price range. The only one I would consider is the Rockport Altair, but not over the Alsyvox.

I haven't heard the Alsyvox but if you replaced that with a modded Scintilla, Full range, or Henk's Grands, my reply would be the same choosing that over all those others.
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But let's not jump to conclusions on the overall sound until we've heard both. Alsyvox will be at RMAF this year, and GT Audio Works is a perennial show at CAF. One thing we can judge without audition are aesthetics and build quality to a certain extent, based on many photos on the net. Being an owner of Alsyvox Botticelli and having heard them at shows, it is perhaps the most beautiful planar speaker I have ever seen. The build quality is superb utilizing stainless steel, acrylic, teak wood, hefty binding posts, etc. I haven't seen the GTA3r personally, but I do know it is made of MDF frame, so you don't have the precision, resonance control, and mass of the Alsyvox. And the Alsyvox truly looks like Italian furniture or art, whereas the GT Audio Works, well, looks like any other plain vanilla planar speakers I've seen. And the woofer towers doesn't match the planar speakers in height or aesthetics, a kind of an afterthought. I know, I know...The Alsyvox is 2.5x more expensive, but you get the quality as expected of the price. It's crazy expensive for sure, but I rather spend my money on these speakers than a BMW or Mercedes, which will give you endless headaches and repair costs once the warranty is over. But some don't give a rats ass about aesthetics, in which case more power to you.

Yes, the GTA3r has those huge bass towers and will go down lower, but I'm not sure which will have better bass quality. I do own two open baffle subs using the same driver and plate amp used in the subwoofer towers of the GTA3r. Mine is essentially 1/3 the size of the towers and flat to 20 Hz and -3dB at 18 Hz. My subs sound very open, clean, and clear compared to most sealed subs, but my subs still can not compare to the quality of the Alsyvox bass.

I'm very interested in the crossoverless planar magnetic drivers in the GTA3r, which I think is no easy feet to accomplish if it sounds as good as some have claimed. If GTA3r achieves sound quality comparable to the Alsyvox, it will be the biggest "bargain" in high end speakers. I hope that is the case, so more people can enjoy truly high end sound.
Well first let me begin by addressing the fact that Peter Breuninger of AVshow rooms Has posted on Facebook and told numerous people that the GT audio works loudspeaker system including the servo subs are IRS V killers. If you pay close attention and watch towards the end of the video as I was present that day Peter Breuninger was in complete disbelief as to the power of speed, transparency and dynamics of the system. Which resulted in one of the best sound of show awards.
As far as technology is concerned the GT audio works and open baffle servo subs are without competition. Unlike Alysavox The GT speakers utilize expensive rear earth neodymium magnets. They do not utilize ceramic magnets which do not generate as powerful magnetic field. They utilize pure copper traces and not aluminum. It is a Scientific fact that copper is a much better conductor of an electrical signal then aluminum.
The GT audio works planar speakers will always sound more open and transparent as there is not a crossover on the 6 foot tall planar driver.
In response to your remarks about the frame - you are incorrect in your assumption that the speakers are made out of MDF. The speakers are built out of a much denser and heavier MedX material. This alone will reduce all vibrations that the driver may produce on the frame. However, unlike Alysavox The GT speakers utilize another Constrained layer frame where the Driver is mounted. This frame within frame technology eliminates The last vestiges of any vibration that may get through to the frame. I would also like to point out that unlike any other planar magnetic driver that is only made out of either Kapton or mylar- GT audio works utilizes a rare and expensive membrane that is proprietary to only GT audio works this membrane is not solely Kapton or mylar which will produce resonances at various frequencies -this special membrane eliminates these resonances
Additionally , unlike Alysavox The customer has a choice of whatever paint he or she may choose to paint the speakers. The customer also has a choice between painters that paint the speakers it is either a world famous painter or a company that actually paints pianos for Steinway.
With regard to your remarks about the subwoofer augmentation to the system let me just tell you that there is nothing out there that can keep pace with a planar magnetic speaker - unless you utilize an open baffle servodriven subwoofer system.Our open baffle servodriven subs are individually controlled-that is each woofer is wired to the servo circuit directly to a sophisticated onboard computer that keeps the woofers in check within very close and tight tolerances in terms of X max excursion. These open baffle servo sub systems are available in either 2,3,4 or 6 per side 12 inch modules. We have customers who have purchased the basic system of 2-12 inch servo subs per side and have added Additional woofer modules to them. We have had customers come into our store and measured them flat to 15 hz.
In conclusion, the proof is in the listening we welcome you to our exhibit at Axpona 2019. Look forward to seeing you all in room 1430.
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Do GT Audioworks ever plan to make a 5 foot model? How much do the main panels weigh each? I know that they are designed to integrate without a crossover, but can they be bi-amped, anyway, with an active crossover i.e. do the separate ribbons have their own speaker connections?
Do GT Audioworks ever plan to make a 5 foot model? How much do the main panels weigh each? I know that they are designed to integrate without a crossover, but can they be bi-amped, anyway, with an active crossover i.e. do the separate ribbons have their own speaker connections?
Thanks for your question it is a speaker that is designed to be at the height it is built out for the frequency response we are trying to achieve. GT audio works will not compromise the sound of the speaker to produce a smaller model. The panels weigh about 135 pounds apiece. We are a pass labs dealer and we are Bi wiring - so essentially we are using the 4 binding posts on the Pass amps to each set of drivers on the speakers.This gives the best response and there is no need to bi-amp the speakers as they are 93D 1watt efficient.
Peter B. of AV Showrooms gets paid (in future business) for saying glowing things of everything he on.
Geez I would love to hear all of these planar speakers and hybrids also.......side by side what fun that would be. It won't happen however and if the GT is at RMAF it might be the closest you will get assuming both brands are there?
With that said the only comparison I can report on the Botticelli is a comparison of it with the Magnepan 30.7 from a very experienced veteran in the business who was just here a month ago listening to the Botticelli and just heard the Magnepan also. This was not a comment by me but by him and he is familiar with many designs.
His comments were that the Magnepan does not come remotely close to the Alsyvox in the dynamics, extension and coherence, bass speed and of course build quality. We did not discuss the GT so not sure if he had heard it. Just another opinion in the end.
Not arguing the difference in price points but until you listen to both or all design models this argument of which is better best wait until you hear all and decide if the difference is worth it to you. I have said many times on this forum all things in life (and audio included) only you can be the judge.
I sure do love driving my BMW X-5 diesel vs. a Toyota Rav-4 at over twice the price but that is me and the only one who matters. To each his own based on your own value system.
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Well first let me begin by addressing the fact that Peter Breuninger of AVshow rooms Has posted on Facebook and told numerous people that the GT audio works loudspeaker system including the servo subs are IRS V killers. If you pay close attention and watch towards the end of the video as I was present that day Peter Breuninger was in complete disbelief as to the power of speed, transparency and dynamics of the system. Which resulted in one of the best sound of show awards.
As far as technology is concerned the GT audio works and open baffle servo subs are without competition. Unlike Alysavox The GT speakers utilize expensive rear earth neodymium magnets. They do not utilize ceramic magnets which do not generate as powerful magnetic field. They utilize pure copper traces and not aluminum. It is a Scientific fact that copper is a much better conductor of an electrical signal then aluminum.
The GT audio works planar speakers will always sound more open and transparent as there is not a crossover on the 6 foot tall planar driver.
In response to your remarks about the frame - you are incorrect in your assumption that the speakers are made out of MDF. The speakers are built out of a much denser and heavier MedX material. This alone will reduce all vibrations that the driver may produce on the frame. However, unlike Alysavox The GT speakers utilize another Constrained layer frame where the Driver is mounted. This frame within frame technology eliminates The last vestiges of any vibration that may get through to the frame. I would also like to point out that unlike any other planar magnetic driver that is only made out of either Kapton or mylar- GT audio works utilizes a rare and expensive membrane that is proprietary to only GT audio works this membrane is not solely Kapton or mylar which will produce resonances at various frequencies -this special membrane eliminates these resonances
Additionally , unlike Alysavox The customer has a choice of whatever paint he or she may choose to paint the speakers. The customer also has a choice between painters that paint the speakers it is either a world famous painter or a company that actually paints pianos for Steinway.
With regard to your remarks about the subwoofer augmentation to the system let me just tell you that there is nothing out there that can keep pace with a planar magnetic speaker - unless you utilize an open baffle servodriven subwoofer system.Our open baffle servodriven subs are individually controlled-that is each woofer is wired to the servo circuit directly to a sophisticated onboard computer that keeps the woofers in check within very close and tight tolerances in terms of X max excursion. These open baffle servo sub systems are available in either 2,3,4 or 6 per side 12 inch modules. We have customers who have purchased the basic system of 2-12 inch servo subs per side and have added Additional woofer modules to them. We have had customers come into our store and measured them flat to 15 hz.
In conclusion, the proof is in the listening we welcome you to our exhibit at Axpona 2019. Look forward to seeing you all in room 1430.

When I spoke to the designer, I thought he said it was MDF. Are you the designer or the dealer? My feux pas, but MedX is similar to MDF but denser and little more expensive.

You are wrong about the magnets. The Alsyvox uses neodymium magnets, which I found out through direct communication with the designer. That's how Alsyvox Botticelli achieves 94dB efficiency. How do you know, Alsyvox doesn't use contrained layer technique? It uses steel sandwiched between acrylic. You seem to more about the design of the Alsyvox than the designer himselft?

So GT doesn't use Kapton or Myler. So what? What is this secret material you are speaking of? Apogee has used Kapton and every electrostatic speakers I know have used Mylar. They're time proven materials. Is this secret material time proven or have been used as a driver? Or will it fall apart before the warranty is up?

Yes, it's a scientific fact that copper is a better conductor than aluminum. But does that translate into better sound as implemented in a voice coil? Afterall, silver is a better conductor than copper, but some people can't stand the sound of silver.

GT Audio works will always be more transparent than Alsyvox? What's your proof? Some of the most transparent speakers on the planet like electrostats use crossovers. It's all in the correct implementation.

As for your subwoofer towers, the designer of the driver is my friend. I know what they're capable of. They are very good for the price, but can they compete with the best subwoofers? There are better, but more expensive. Sorry, but Alsyvox makes better bass. The GT is a hybrid and is not a full range planar, unlike the Alsyvox with all the drivers being of the same material and design.

No need to get defensive. I wasn't trying to attack the product, just making comparisons. I am open to hearing your speaker and hope they sound as good as claimed. But in this business, superlative reviews come and go like hot cakes, so I rely on my ears.
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