As has been mentioned several times in this forum, the "ideal" frequency response of loudspeakers at the listening position is never flat. Studies by Harmon, B&K (see Fig 5: and many other have shown this quite clearly. What is rather surprising is that it seemed to have taken Alon Wolf quite a while to figure this out and voice his speakers accordingly. The graph below superimposes the Valin M Pro response with an approximation of the "ideal" loudspeaker response advocated by B&K. It's not surprising that all Magico speakers post M Pro have a far more attractive sound to most listeners than their earlier work, which strived for a technically flatter response thus yielding a sound that was brighter and less balanced.
View attachment 45716
Thanks for posting this. It is exactly how Apogee voiced their speakers. 10 dB down from low to high freq. This is something most modern speaker designers ignore.