Hi Ron, I auditioned the Rockport Altair back in 2007 for about 1 hour at Goodwin's high fi dealer in Waltham. The dealer has the most elaborately custom treated $200k audio room I've ever seen. I've always been a fan of Rockport Altair because it is highly balanced full range speakers with no major flaws. It can have a huge soundstage with realistic imaging when the recording has it. Tonally it is slightly on the warm side. The only criticism I have of Rockports in general is that they don't have the best transparency of good ribbon or electrostat speaker. But what dynamic speaker does? BTW, I auditioned two Magico speakers side by side to the Altair, the Magico Mini and some $150k aluminum chassis beer keg Magico monstrosity I don't recall the name of. IMO, they were both too bright and unlistenable. Unfortunatley, I have yet to hear a Magico I like. But the Rockports in general are some of the best dynamic speakers out there.
I would describe the Altair basically with exactly the same attributes as you describe it.