America Shuts Down!

Every time the poor/uninsured use the emergency room of the local hospital as their family doctor, all taxpayers pay for that.
Exactly, and it's likely that (if nothing else) the PCACA would cause more of that burden to be borne by the patient, maybe not much but at least some.
I was astounded to read this in the news yesterday.

FYI this has happened in Australia once - in 1975. The ruling Labor government under Gough Whitlam had a big spending program during an economic downturn, and had lost public support. The Liberal party (despite their name, they are conservatives) had the majority in the Senate and refused to pass any further spending. With government at a standstill, the governor-general (the representative of the Queen in Australia) summoned the Prime Minister and sacked him. The leader of the Liberal Party, Malcolm Fraser, was appointed as caretaker Prime Minister by the GG. The Labor party responded with a no confidence motion in the lower house where they still had the majority. With the majority of the lower house expressing no confidence in the PM, parliament was deadlocked. The Governor-General then sacked everybody and dissolved parliament, with fresh elections one month later. The ruling Labor party was comprehensively defeated in a massive landslide, Whitlam went into opposition, and Fraser became Prime Minister.

In other words, if what happened in your country were to happen in Australia, parliament would be dissolved and there would be fresh elections. If you threaten to block supply, you better be very sure of your position because there is a good chance you'll be facing your voters very soon, and they won't be impressed.
I was astounded to read this in the news yesterday.

FYI this has happened in Australia once - in 1975. The ruling Labor government under Gough Whitlam had a big spending program during an economic downturn, and had lost public support. The Liberal party (despite their name, they are conservatives) had the majority in the Senate and refused to pass any further spending. With government at a standstill, the governor-general (the representative of the Queen in Australia) summoned the Prime Minister and sacked him. The leader of the Liberal Party, Malcolm Fraser, was appointed as caretaker Prime Minister by the GG. The Labor party responded with a no confidence motion in the lower house where they still had the majority. With the majority of the lower house expressing no confidence in the PM, parliament was deadlocked. The Governor-General then sacked everybody and dissolved parliament, with fresh elections one month later. The ruling Labor party was comprehensively defeated in a massive landslide, Whitlam went into opposition, and Fraser became Prime Minister.

In other words, if what happened in your country were to happen in Australia, parliament would be dissolved and there would be fresh elections. If you threaten to block supply, you better be very sure of your position because there is a good chance you'll be facing your voters very soon, and they won't be impressed.

Sounds good about now. Not constitutional here, though.

I was astounded to read this in the news yesterday.

FYI this has happened in Australia once - in 1975. The ruling Labor government under Gough Whitlam had a big spending program during an economic downturn, and had lost public support. The Liberal party (despite their name, they are conservatives) had the majority in the Senate and refused to pass any further spending. With government at a standstill, the governor-general (the representative of the Queen in Australia) summoned the Prime Minister and sacked him. The leader of the Liberal Party, Malcolm Fraser, was appointed as caretaker Prime Minister by the GG. The Labor party responded with a no confidence motion in the lower house where they still had the majority. With the majority of the lower house expressing no confidence in the PM, parliament was deadlocked. The Governor-General then sacked everybody and dissolved parliament, with fresh elections one month later. The ruling Labor party was comprehensively defeated in a massive landslide, Whitlam went into opposition, and Fraser became Prime Minister.

In other words, if what happened in your country were to happen in Australia, parliament would be dissolved and there would be fresh elections. If you threaten to block supply, you better be very sure of your position because there is a good chance you'll be facing your voters very soon, and they won't be impressed.

Sounds good about now. Not constitutional here, though.


Would be an interesting amendment though. More would get done.
Yes, I think so. The first priority of government is to function. Government is too important to simply be stopped. If it can not function, then they should be held to account by the people - immediately.
Hopefully he will figure out how to open the doors by 5:00 when congressional leaders are supposed to drop by for a chat.

I hope he has plenty of whiskey for his guests.
This matter would be easily resolved if Boehner would allow the entire House of Representatives to vote.

Put a continuing resolution on the floor without Affordable Care Act strings attached and allow the members to vote up or down.

It would pass and the crisis would be resolved.

Boehner won't allow that vote - permitting a minority bloc within the House to bring our government to a halt.

There are enough Republicans in the House who would vote with the Democrats to pass it.

How can Boehner justify not taking the vote, Hastert rule or not?
Click => Nine Most Painful Consequences of Government Shutdown
{Check #10 too, from the just new released update; only few minutes ago.}
...And for more you can go within the links given. ...If you're up to it and like to get more informed in greater/essential details.

* In 1995 the U.S. government's shutdown lasted twenty-one (21) days.
Yes, he can be removed as Speaker but it has never happened before.

The entire House votes on the Speaker. Theoretically, the Speaker can come from the minority party.

Even Newt Gingrich survived an effort to remove him as Speaker after the last shut down in the mid-90's.
My understanding is the existing US healthcare system is the most costly and inefficient in the industrialized world, with costs continually rising faster than the rate of inflation. Many uninsured US citizens who can't afford insurance on their own, or have very high deductibles through company healthcare plans are ending up in emergency rooms where the cost is exceedingly high. Medicare has provided a safety net for US senior citizens, but it's payments for medical procedures are insufficient for doctors and hospitals to provide the level of direct patient care necessary. So I'm pretty convinced something in our existing healthcare system needs fixing:(

The ACA has the potential (if enough healthy young people signup) to bring better healthcare to many of our citizens. But Federal government subsidies will likely add significantly to our national debt just as Medicare does now. My understanding of the national debt is military spending and all entitlement programs including Social Security and Medicare account for at least two-thirds of the debt. So I don't see how adding another entitlement program without a revenue offset is going to help this country ultimately avoid defaulting on its' debt like Greece.

IMO our congressional representatives would rather continue to increase our nations debt by borrowing and printing more money, than to take the honest approach by telling their constituents more federal revenue must be raised through higher taxes.
This matter would be easily resolved if Boehner would allow the entire House of Representatives to vote.

Put a continuing resolution on the floor without Affordable Care Act strings attached and allow the members to vote up or down.

It would pass and the crisis would be resolved.

Boehner won't allow that vote - permitting a minority bloc within the House to bring our government to a halt.

There are enough Republicans in the House who would vote with the Democrats to pass it.

How can Boehner justify not taking the vote, Hastert rule or not?

Chicken little is afraid to lose his job. The angry Tea Party mob is effectively calling the shots. I have no doubt he despises them more than his democratic opponents. If he had a pair he would simply take the vote. The Tea Party faction would then try to drive him out, but the Dems would save his ass. A Tea party challenger would cast him as a sell out in the next primaries which would probably be the end of his career. He is about to retire anyway, so who cares.
I m not a us citizen , but part of the non democratic wannabee super power the EU.
The problem with politicians is that they will continously try to expand the government and spending, they never stop .
In general in a democracy the guy who promises the most free stuff gets the votes.
I think the US government should cut spending
I m not a us citizen , but part of the non democratic wannabee super power the EU.
The problem with politicians is that they will continously try to expand the government and spending, they never stop .
In general in a democracy the guy who promises the most free stuff gets the votes.
I think the US government should cut spending

That kind of goes against the natural current of the elements. ...America loves spending. ...Perhaps too recklessly. ...And now it's a wreck.

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