That is what I thought until I started doing listening tests. Much of my room acoustic treatment and my pneumatic isolation platforms contributed to a sound that for me was over damped and somewhat dull.
I had a variety of steel plates of different dimensions, different thicknesses, and one from kinetic systems the manufacturer of the Vibraplane was actually covered on all six sides with a vinyl like surface. That specific steel plate was over damped and sucked the life out of the music. It was likely better suited for being placed under a microscope.
If the more damped an audio product is the more neutral it is, it would seem that most people would choose the most damped record platter material every time. This is not the case. Perhaps people are choosing natural h preferences that are not neutral, but I suspect if you asked them, they would be variety of different responses.
It is the same with platforms under components. People experiment with different materials, the dimensions, and the ways in which they damp those platforms. And then they select the solution which sounds best to them. I refer to this process of experimentation as fine tuning.
I am trying to achieve a tonal balance, resolution, and dynamics of the sound of the system where it sounds most natural.