Anyone have Sound Lab electrostatic speakers? I Searched...

HERE are the beautiful sounds I've been looking, natural-sounding music, excellent rez and soundstaging, real-sounding instruments, etc.. Suddenly the massed violins sound more natural and less harsh.
Very good having another option for the Sound Labs!!
Yes, I know, I have a pair of 3.1 Improveds; the 100-pounders I mentioned are the SS amps in the way. And perhaps after I'm rid of a couple-more pairs of those 100-pounders, I will try the '1's.
Had a fair number of poweramps to sort thru before and after I received the SL M745s and just today have chosen the Pass X260.8s over the Atma-Sphere MA-1/3.1 Improveds,
So, in order of priority with your S/L 745's, you prefer the Pass X260.8 over the Atma-Sphere MA-1 (improveds) and the just obtained PS Audio's BHK 600s over everything else you've auditioned?

I then wonder how the Pass X600.8 would compare to the BHK 600's? But I'm sure that answer will be impossible to ascertain, unless of course, someone has actually made that A/B comparison...
Yes, the BHK 600s are the best I've heard, and I will NOT be the person to compare those two 600Watt poweramps.. The Pass amps' 600-Watt power draw at idle is 2-2/3 that of the BHK's 225, equals even more heat in the musicroom to contend with.

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