Apogee Full range

Harlequin - you are welcome to pop round for a listen sometime. Long drive from Londinium, though.

Amps are important and the wrong solid state amps will most definitely cause the metallic blues. One reason the Accuphase M-60 monos work so well. One of the few SS amps I have tried that work magic in that area. Fantastic amps, even though they were designed in 1975.

Graz's all foil ribbons logically cannot reduce traces of "metalicness", I would have thought. The correct driving electronics, or at least a very good choice, should hold it in check. I have no direct experience of pure foil ribbons, though.
Guys, the truth is that Apogees do/did many things right, sometimes to incredibly high performance levels. They also suffered from some inherent problems that posed "amplifier challenges" and other issues that make their restoration/reinvention quite challenging to Graz, etc. Some owners experienced more serious problems than others, which leads to the polarizing comments seen in this thread. There's no denying that they sounded very good indeed when things were all running smoothly.

Guys, the truth is that Apogees do/did many things right, sometimes to incredibly high performance levels. They also suffered from some inherent problems that posed "amplifier challenges" and other issues that make their restoration/reinvention quite challenging to Graz, etc. Some owners experienced more serious problems than others, which leads to the polarizing comments seen in this thread. There's no denying that they sounded very good indeed when things were all running smoothly.



They are like finely tuned high performance racing cars/bikes. If something isn't quite right, you will know about it.
Roger, the FR and the grands I heard were pure ribbons, not kapton backed, and twice the width of the diva ribbon for the mids.
Hi Ked
As far as I know, the Grands ribbons are not foil only.
Only on FullRange and Scintilla are mids and treble ribbons always foil only.
Hi Ked
As far as I know, the Grands ribbons are not foil only.
Only on FullRange and Scintilla are mids and treble ribbons always foil only.

Ah that's good to know, because if his grand sounded so delicious in the mid then there is hope for his diva
Since when did I claim to know it all, David?

I'd say by the way you replied to my post :)!

I just found your post more than a little skeptical and non-believing to say the least. And disrespectful to the efforts of the one man that has essentially kept the breed alive.

Skeptical yes. I'm a vintage audio dealer and come across a lot of equipment that have been modded and or have parts indiscriminately replaced by what's deemed better. Unfortunately even in best cases they've managed to change the balance of the said piece wether electronics, speakers or tonearms. I'm also skeptical about calling a fully modded speaker with all newly manufactured and sourced parts an Apogee, its something else like Analysis Audio's ribbons. t thought its worth pointing out to Ked so we don't in circles talking about different things.

I have spent 3 odd years working with a restorer on Duetta improvements, specifying how they were made to a more than significant extent. That is the sum total of my knowledge and my experience is limited directly only to Duettas and Calipers. Hundreds of e-mails and long phone discussions mean I know one less than nothing, though.

The neodymium speakers made by Graz do lift efficiency by a large amount. They can't do anything else but, as field strength is dramatically improved.

Based on what? This an easy thing to measure and I haven't seen any by anyone, there's only a (highly skeptical imo!) 95db claim on Graz's site for something called the Synergy and nothing more. Besides the problem with Apogees was their 1 ohm or less nominal load and not so much their low sensitivity. I'm a lot less skeptical of Analysis Audio's specs than Synergy's until I'm proven wrong. And for the record, Synergy isn't a restored Apogee.

A sturdier frame does not just improve focus. Mine are braced by an internal aluminium frame with lateral bracing, with super-sturdy stands that rise half way up the speakers that are bolted directly into this frame, forming a sort of sandwich. The seriously improves the coherence, bass definition, sense of ease and solidity to the sound. It also improves the dynamics, since the frame basically doesn't move as much.

Like I said, improves focus. Nothing to do with improving sensitivity which was my point.

The reality is that original Apogees were actually quite poorly made, to loose tolerances, and in some cases had quite poor magnet alignment and spacing. The paint finishes were sub-standard. Tolerances are critical with regards to magnet/ribbon spacing as I am sure you can appreciate.

If you followed the Apogee forum you'd realise that Graz isn't a rip-off merchant. He is a total enthusiast. OK so Definitive is expensive, but I know the prices charged for neodymium Synergy's and they are very, very reasonable. In one case, amazingly reasonable.

Advance 7 is a serious effort to make the best Duetta possible. That won't be cheap. Only when you appreciate exactly how it has been made do questions of the price become reasonable.

Both the A7 & Definitive seem to be DIY projects with unclear pricing, specs, reliability, build, etc. calling them reasonable at $60k+ & $100k+ is highly subjective in my books. Have you even seen what these speakers look or sound like?

Have a you a link to the claim that Definitive isn't a dipole?

It's on the Definitive's page but he was talking about the FK1 which I didn't realize was a different speaker when I read it. Just wanted to see what the Definitve is after Ked mentioned it in his post. Either way my skepticism regarding the speaker remains until more information comes along.

Thank you for the invitation Justin, as you say, a difficult drive from London, particularly as I gave up my car a couple of years back :D, driving in town was doing my head in! Perhaps one day tho.

Most interesting indeed reading through your last couple of posts, in particular your considerations regarding KLM2 's hmmmmmm, not quite convinced with regard to micro detail above and beyond ML CLX's tho, as an aside, the stats that I have modded over the years have all benefitted from an judicial upgrade from factory crossover componants, and with only a year remaining on the factory warranty I am already putting together a kit of componants, intent upon following in the footsteps of a couple of intrepid modders over on the DIY forum VIZ.

It's been 3 years since the mods were done, everything still works. Certainly be carefull with any hv component changes (Wima FKP caps, Dales) to stay with hv rated components. Crossover caps are a matter of budget and personal preference. Sound quality on my CLX and my friend's with the Vcaps is primarily increased resolution, greater smoothness, more ambient detail on even red book CDs. High res HD tracks and high end 180 gram and 45 RPM vinyl sound even more amazing, hard to turn off your system once you start.
Our systems are different, mine is a digital front end with solid state class A jfet/fet electronics and his is mostly tube and vinyl based. I only listened to the stock CLX for half an hour before modding them so I don't have much recollection of the original sound, he waited a year or two before upgrading, i'm sure he's got his own observations on what changes he heard, but he hasn't talked about going back to the original caps.
Guys, the truth is that Apogees do/did many things right, sometimes to incredibly high performance levels. They also suffered from some inherent problems that posed "amplifier challenges" and other issues that make their restoration/reinvention quite challenging to Graz, etc. Some owners experienced more serious problems than others, which leads to the polarizing comments seen in this thread. There's no denying that they sounded very good indeed when things were all running smoothly.


I don't think that there are many polarizing opinions on SQ Lee, most of the debate, at least on my part is regarding the power requirements to drive the Apogees. What was your experience?

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1) Pure physics means a more powerful magnet field means less amp power is required. This is an undeniable fact. Neodymium magnets are a lot more powerful that the quite weak ferrites used in standard Apogees. I believe the ones used by Apogee are slightly below C9 strength. Neodymium's have 3 or more times the field strength.

2) Follow this link. Definitive and 17 Watts. That's six channels of 17 Watt amps driving the Definitive. I tried a 50 Watt Graaf 50/50 on my Duettas and all you could get, at anything approaching a normal listening level, were farting noises of an amp driven into clipping.

3) If they wouldn't drive the Definitives to a reasonable level, why would he be inviting people around? He isn't saying they were killer, just that they would make some pretty good noises.

4) Is 100K dollars expensive? That's about £60K here - the same as an ML Neolith. Imagine the neo magnet arrays in there. I'd estimate about £10K's worth TBH. Plus the price of the Corian, the machining of said material, the expertise, the one off price of machining the metal holding the bass driver array (massive quite thick perforated metal sheet) and a lot more besides e.g. one off ribbons.

5) Make a pair for less, David. You wouldn't be capable of it. You almost certainly couldn't do it. You don't have the required knowledge or experience. Nor do I. The point is the price of expertise and the long hours put into these must have been seriously formidable. Free to Graz of course.

6) Improves focus like you said? No - it does a lot more as I said. Focus is not a generic enough term to cover the list of subjective improvements proper bracing provides.

7) Well done for fessing up you were wrong about Definitive being described as a non-dipole.

Graz is just a small scale one man band in Australia. The hi-fi press won't go near him for that reason. They want advertising deals in exchange for reviews in a lot of cases. There will probably never be the level of technical testing you seek published in a hi-fi mag unless he gets very lucky.

But, at the end of the day, it isn't rocket science. I don't need proof neodymium magnets will improve efficiency substantially. I know it will.

Generally, neodymium implementations are not available in the new speakers, I believe. C9's will be in Advance 7. Synergy is no more. However, a phone call will probably get anyone what they would like if they are serious enough to take the risk and provide a deposit, I suspect.
Relative field strength of differing magnet types.

The Apogee website is well out of date by Graz's own admission. Try this: Apogee on Facebook.

BTW David neo magnets are a pain to work with. Accidents are possible. Stupid levels of force are required to correct errors. My restorer wouldn't touch them.

If Definitive didn't smoke a Neolith I'd be mighty surprised. Then again there is always a chance they turned out to be complete lemons. I just seriously doubt that. Feel free to believe they did, David. I can't prove otherwise. Just consider what I have said.
Justin, the FR smokes it, and I won't be surprised if a good diva does. Stats do give a lot of value at lower prices but they don't do anything more with higher prices. A bit more room fill. For stats stick to lower priced Logans, quads, and audio Exklusiv (used prices 3k) and acoustats are damn good. Live with the compromises
Justin, the FR smokes it, and I won't be surprised if a good diva does. Stats do give a lot of value at lower prices but they don't do anything more with higher prices. A bit more room fill. For stats stick to lower priced Logans, quads, and audio Exklusiv (used prices 3k) and acoustats are damn good. Live with the compromises

bonzo, did you note my last post as follows ?


I was not convinced by the performance of the Neolith on the day myself, however I was quite aware thet they were compromised in the mids upwards, confirmed in my mind when they played a couple of my own test tracks that sounded 2D, un organic and rather flat as compared with my own system sporting ARC Ref250se mono's
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I don't think that there are many polarizing opinions on SQ Lee, most of the debate, at least on my part is regarding the power requirements to drive the Apogees. What was your experience?


Hi, David. Some comments I've heard related to the metallic "zing" of the tweeter (trim switch in wrong position I'd guess), the tubbiness of the bass (likely a current-starvation issue or placement mistake). I had one of my bass ribbons develop a wrinkle in it, and the sound changed a bit too.

I thought the best musicality I got from them was by using an Audio Research tube preamp with the Krell monoblocks. I moved all my source components to a separate room and switched to the Krell KBL/KPA preamp/phono combo to drive the longer interconnects. It had more dynamics and bass, but gave up a bit of that magic on violin, etc.

I would agree that most reported issues with the Apogees is from trying to use poorly-compatible and/or inadequate amplification with them. A few of the problems were a result of folks trying to direct-drive the midrange ribbon (0.1 ohm!) and toasting their amplifiers!

If I had the funds to commission a pair of Definitives, I would be all over it. That's how I feel about the "Apogee sound".

I just read the Definitive thread in full again. V=IR was actually me.

140W - max Definitive output. 1.2KW - max Scintilla output.
Justin, the FR smokes it, and I won't be surprised if a good diva does. Stats do give a lot of value at lower prices but they don't do anything more with higher prices. A bit more room fill. For stats stick to lower priced Logans, quads, and audio Exklusiv (used prices 3k) and acoustats are damn good. Live with the compromises

Oooh I dunno. Neolith sure smokes a Summit for scale and dynamics. I wonder what the FR with the two bass drivers per channel would do. That could take down a poorly built house I suspect!

You need to hear the FR, you don't need more bass.
I'm sure you don't. You don't need more bass with a blinking Duetta. The amount of air that dual bass panel FR could shift would be a real ear opener I reckon, as long as a reasonably flat response could be maintained.

Read some of your earlier posts on actual Apogee speakers and looks like that we're in full agreement about the originals, including the Grands. Now discussing or arguing about a ribbon speaker project that as far as we know hasn't been produced and only exists as a diy prototype, never been measured, never reviewed, unknown specs, unknown build and one that neither of us ever heard. You as a believer & I the skeptic; this should be entertaining :D!

1) Theoretically maybe but meaningless without knowing basic parameters and target SPL; efficiency is relative to energy requirements and SPL.

2)+3) These are his words from your link,

"Now those who know me know I don't actually have a full main system very often, as I simply cannot afford the amplifiers they require" Ok, so what is the real requirement :D?

"17w amps went a long way, they give a pleasing sound imho", is this supposed to be proof of something? "Went a long way" to me means they didn't get there even in a small room and what is pleasing sound and at what SPL on what type of music? I can't tell you why he had people over and the single image posted doesn't inspire confidence in his setup with all those windows around. Whatever claims made are only his own site and unverified by others.

Not familiar with your Graaf amps or their capabilities but not surprised with your results either, maybe for a better comparison you should also try tri-amping (which you can't with stock crossover) or at least bi-amping your Duetta and see what happens.

4) Price comparisons are meaningless and irrelevant to anything discussed but for the sake of argument;

There's no pricing for the Graz besides a starting price of $105k in 2009, so cost and value unknown. Taking your hypothetical $100k and aside from the fact that the Neoliths are a real world speaker from a well established company and the Definiteve's are neither, ML's ex-factory price is significantly less than the $100k. If the Graz went through the same sales channels its msrp would be north of $300k.

5) There's no product and no price, what am I supposed to make? Given your lack of expertise how can you judge someone else's competence? A good technician repairing electronics isn't the same as a design engineer. Technical ability doesn't automatically imply creative ability. I know this from years of manufacturing, IME creativity and design are far beyond even the best technicians I've come across. Hypothetically speaking, if I was going to make such a speaker I'd research a competent facility that can design and manufacture the product without wasting time & money dicking around, nor would I spend 3+ years restoring a single pair of Apogees!

6) Focus sums it for me, fine if doesn't for you but don't forget the context regarding sensitivity!

7) I misread something, so what? It doesn't change anything in my overall argument!


1) Pure physics means a more powerful magnet field means less amp power is required. This is an undeniable fact. Neodymium magnets are a lot more powerful that the quite weak ferrites used in standard Apogees. I believe the ones used by Apogee are slightly below C9 strength. Neodymium's have 3 or more times the field strength.

2) Follow this link. Definitive and 17 Watts. That's six channels of 17 Watt amps driving the Definitive. I tried a 50 Watt Graaf 50/50 on my Duettas and all you could get, at anything approaching a normal listening level, were farting noises of an amp driven into clipping.

3) If they wouldn't drive the Definitives to a reasonable level, why would he be inviting people around? He isn't saying they were killer, just that they would make some pretty good noises.

4) Is 100K dollars expensive? That's about £60K here - the same as an ML Neolith. Imagine the neo magnet arrays in there. I'd estimate about £10K's worth TBH. Plus the price of the Corian, the machining of said material, the expertise, the one off price of machining the metal holding the bass driver array (massive quite thick perforated metal sheet) and a lot more besides e.g. one off ribbons.

5) Make a pair for less, David. You wouldn't be capable of it. You almost certainly couldn't do it. You don't have the required knowledge or experience. Nor do I. The point is the price of expertise and the long hours put into these must have been seriously formidable. Free to Graz of course.

6) Improves focus like you said? No - it does a lot more as I said. Focus is not a generic enough term to cover the list of subjective improvements proper bracing provides.

7) Well done for fessing up you were wrong about Definitive being described as a non-dipole.

Graz is just a small scale one man band in Australia. The hi-fi press won't go near him for that reason. They want advertising deals in exchange for reviews in a lot of cases. There will probably never be the level of technical testing you seek published in a hi-fi mag unless he gets very lucky.But, at the end of the day, it isn't rocket science. I don't need proof neodymium magnets will improve efficiency substantially. I know it will.
Generally, neodymium implementations are not available in the new speakers, I believe. C9's will be in Advance 7. Synergy is no more. However, a phone call will probably get anyone what they would like if they are serious enough to take the risk and provide a deposit, I suspect.

I have to admit that I'm bewildered at the amount of blind support & faith a grown seemingly intelligent man is putting behind an totally unknown project by a man who wasn't good enough or worth the cost of repairing his own speakers. Is there a real world argument here that I'm missing? I'm not asking for anything in depth, sensitivity and load measurements are basic and available from any manufacturer worth the title. Plenty of competent 3rd party labs who could do it, including a reviewer with basic testing equipment at home. Does Graz supply any measurements for his replacement kits or is that all hearsay too? Keep in mind that I'm not questioning anyone's subjective impressions like what Ked has provided only a copy of the measurements that should have been done when quoting specs. Don't know about anyone else but I would to see more than "Difficult to nail a dipole accurately in a room that is too small! Around 98-100dB/w guestimate" using a temporary set up when quoting specs!

My industry experience is different, advertising was never a prerequisite to a review by the known rags, favorable or otherwise! You're only assuming that the Definitives are ready for prime time and that the manufacturer is willing to give them up for a full review while ignoring that they're not a real world product but a partially finished diy project with an off the shelf digital crossover requiring 6 channels identical amplification. There's no media conspiracy here.

Relative field strength of differing magnet types.

The Apogee website is well out of date by Graz's own admission. Try this: Apogee on Facebook.

BTW David neo magnets are a pain to work with. Accidents are possible. Stupid levels of force are required to correct errors. My restorer wouldn't touch them.

How long he's spent repairing a single pair of speakers :)?


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