Wowee... I missed a bunch of important comments... Its 3am here, I will come back tomorrow and cover some of this.
BUT I have something maybe kinda fun... Sorta educational
What I am doing in digital systems with both the ATVX and the Switch X is radically different then what others are doing on a core engineering level..
One of those differences required me to make my own test equipment because no one makes it.
I cover a lot of stuff and explain power supplies, regulation, switchers and show all this using test equipment and explain in very easy to follow ways. My use of a active load to do engineering in products seems pretty unique and this is one reason I am cranking out these devices.
Its a play list, 4 parts. Its over a hour in total, but with 4 segments its easier to get thru
Ive just done a new version of my active load. This took me 2 months of 6-10hrs a day work. So I can now see even cleaner..
If your a engineer making audio gear and/or power supplies, I recommend watching the videos as well..
And before you ask, I am not going to identify the "high end linear supply" I test in video 2.. Hehehe.. Its not professional.