It doesn't matter what shop I go into, I seem to be bumping into IA's at every turn. I don't think I can recall a time when they were more prevelant.
I also think that its only been in the past 10 years that integrateds have been able to keep up with separates and not be embarrassed by them.
Levinson.. DarTZeel... YBA....
I also think that its only been in the past 10 years that integrateds have been able to keep up with separates and not be embarrassed by them.
Levinson.. DarTZeel... YBA....
But if the "purpose" is to create good sound that's exactly what you may need. Horses for courses ...All of them are pretty large. Kind of defeats the purpose for most.
Hey, why not? The only practical issue with actives is that they need power cords and outlets might not be where you'd want them to be. Since power cords are generally thicker and stiffer they're harder to work with and even harder to hide. Barring that and the unsightliness of extension cords and what not, personally I like the idea.
I am not sure if the full active solution being internal to the speaker (external active electronics are available but then this breaks the ergonomic-less boxes argument for purchasing) is a practical idea for audio hobby-fans type consumers, not due to space but from other factors such as if wanting to sell the speakers, speakers have a problem or need maintaining, locked in on specific component-amp,etc.
The biggest issue for many consumers is that of then being without an amp if the speakers are to be exchanged, auditioning other speakers, if problems happen IMO and this can be either the electronic side or the speaker.
Yes everything can work fine for years, but also there are times when they will have minor or major faults, and not everyone keeps same speakers and electronics for over 5 years.
Caveat; Please note I am not discussing sound benefits of actives, which is a seperate focus.
The most the owner of actives has to tweak is the source, the pre, the DAC and a couple of cables. The small stuff. And it's not enough for most audiophile hobbyists, I'm afraid.