Thank you for this balanced post, Dave. What you say may be true for many of us, but for some there will be something darker going on, as Audioguy's experience testifies.
I often like to look at the sunnier side of things, as you do in your post, but lately this has become more and more difficult for me with things audio. I do see all those problems with "more expensive = better", the luxury aspect of things that distracts from the pure audio aspect, and the addictions.
For quite some time it has been a lonely fight for me and a few others. The flight toward higher prices has become a constant in the audiophile ecosystem. It has become so pervasive as to be perceived as "normal", thus the notions of "price category", "price level", price "class", the more condescending "for its price, etc". I don't see much end to this state of affair. The only consolation and this is connected to Audioguy prior post is that there continue to have excellent products at sane price points in Audio reproduction. Finding and building a system with then does require a certain amount of research and dedication.