Another aspect that should be considered - I have never found tube equipment that does not need at less between 1 and 2 hours warmup before sounding near its full capabilities. Even a two minute pause to change tubes seriously affects sound quality.
I of course don't dispute the fact that tubes need some warm-up, but mind you , the total session took about 6 hours. So, the swaps did not happen in a half an hour timeframe neither...
Anyway, the question one could ask is:
why was all the swapping required in the first place ? (mind you, I don't question the positive elements of being able to do so (nor the negatives) )
I am very satisfied with my stock tubes and have no intent, nor feel any need and even less so now, to go beyond manufacturer proposed specs or tubes. Just a turn of two bias screws allows the Kassandra to at least match the now famous 242 in dynamics, in my opinion. I can't express my opinion on timbre or soundstage as I was (literally) not in a position to evaluate that properly. With the 45, even while sitting from the side, I heard the improvement of the Kassandra on those features, I admit it was harder to tell on the 242.
I know Ked thinks the 242 were still ahead, but I also know that I told him, when we reverted to the Kassandra, I felt the SPL was set lower. I didn't feel at the moment the comparison was done fairly but as I am not confrontational I did not want to push my point. Maybe I was naive in doing so and didn't see the harm at the moment (actually I still don't because we just had a good time together).
My experience at the very end, when I finally could sit in the middle and where I had a quite different conclusion from Ked's for the config that was playing at the moment, did and does make me question the exclamations made during the session, and eventually in the write-up. But I am very aware (maybe too?) that every person's expectations and experiences are different.
Also, as it is written elsewhere on the forum: you have dealers (like me) and owners, and it is questionable who is the most avid defender of his brand/purchase... it is both human and normal.
One thing is to do a simple comparison between pieces of equipment, something else is then to present the information emanating from that as being the one truth. I have had in the last 6 weeks a few people over to compare and opinions did not always converge but I respected that, because the guests and myself were on par about the controls. In this case the control was not on par, reason for putting some flags next to the write-up and its presented conclusions.
I have shown to be and still am enthusiastic about both Lampizator and the Kassandra but I have also shown and I still am dubious on the process that leads to the conclusions. Nothing more, nothing less.
Mind you, I did approve the write-up on before it got published. I did have remarks which Ked suggested I would put them in my comments which I now feel I did. Therefore, this is my last post on the subject as I have the feeling that everything that I can add or question, is done. If anything else I would be repeating myself.