Axpona 2024 who is going and why?

My notes have:

Great depth and holographic but slight boomy bass and lacking some airiness
I don’t know the control parameters but if they can control the bass they had it turned up too high
If im correct this makes some tracks loose balance
the vocals and certain genre is second to none
But it’s fine line often crossed
The big ones I can’t remember well.
While it’s a so called Omni it when all is right is a pinpoint extremely accurate sound.
scary great. Perhaps this also is two sided as when not best it’s big change.
it’s a system i would to hear all done well In real showroom or audio room.
I don’t know the control parameters but if they can control the bass they had it turned up too high
If im correct this makes some tracks loose balance
the vocals and certain genre is second to none
But it’s fine line often crossed
The big ones I can’t remember well.
While it’s a so called Omni it when all is right is a pinpoint extremely accurate sound.
scary great. Perhaps this also is two sided as when not best it’s big change.
it’s a system i would to hear all done well In real showroom or audio room.

For the bass, it is both tuned a bit hot and also lacking some definition. This is of course all relative but having been to some rooms during the show with some very nice well defined bass the bar is pretty high.

As for omni I admit this is the first time I listen to true omni drivers and I didn't know what to expect. But it was as my notes says, holographic and great depth. It was a pleasant surprise.
Like a 5 year old walking back his story after being caught with a hand full of cookies


That was a low point for Jay. Pure click bait and frankly irresponsible as it by implication besmirched all sorts of people in the industry, and led to some shows like Axpona having to address his nonsense. Jay never gave any evidence for his claim.

I never considered him a guru, his channel could be fun, but this really sunk my opinion of the dude.

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