Axpona 2024 who is going and why?

Do bear in mind whether or not the absence of negative remarks can be rationalized, show organizers have commented that there is no such policy in place, blanket or otherwise. No member of the media, and I am one of such, has ever been made aware of such a directive.

Yes, the truth can sometimes hurt, and I would posit that each respective publication may very well define the content and mission of a "show report" differently. For some reason unbeknownst to me there are manufacturers, on their websites, who will clump reviews of their products and show blurbs together. I hold that the latter is NOT a review and should be filed/maintained separately. Is there a need for critical commentary in a "show report"? In my estimation, that's best reserved for a proper analysis/review, but that's just me.

What truth is there in Audio ? Hahaha , who makes the best Sushi , says who ..?

What truth is there in Audio ? Hahaha , who makes the best Sushi , says who ..?

Sorry, but this completely misunderstands the issue.

Jay made statements on his video regarding audio show promoters and negative comments and censorship. Each of Jay's statements either is substantially true or substantially untrue.
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I'm going to believe you meant to type instead of what is above as that link is broken
and if Jay's video is one good reason, I sincerely hope you have more profound reasons for launching the Audiophile Foundation.
I read through the organization's History/Vision/Mission and you all have collectively piled a lot on your plate.
Thanks for the proof reading. Head cold is screwing with me some. The website info is yet to be updated.
Still have room for volunteers.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...Who are we kidding? It was never going to be safe.

Back with his follow-up video on censorship and/or its lack thereof at HiFi Shows:

HiFi Shows NOW Uncensored

Rather comical how in less than a week we can go from blanket censorship to now, none at all.
Like a 5 year old walking back his story after being caught with a hand full of cookies
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Sorry, but this completely misunderstands the issue.

Jay made statements on his video regarding audio show promoters and negative comments and censorship. Each of Jay's statements either is substantially true or substantially untrue.

Agreed. I’ve looked for other YT reviewers making comments about the same thing Jay did. I haven’t located any. Has anyone else?
While I pack for AXPONA.

I'll be at AXPONA, supporting our US Distributor Rutherford Audio.
My first AXPONA, and first trip to the US.
I'm looking forward to meeting and chatting with like-minded audiophiles, and taking in everything AXPONA has to offer.
Chicago is definitely not a bad first US visit location. Hopefully you have time to check out the city while you're here
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I'll be at AXPONA, supporting our US Distributor Rutherford Audio.
My first AXPONA, and first trip to the US.
I'm looking forward to meeting and chatting with like-minded audiophiles, and taking in everything AXPONA has to offer.

Make sure to have a Vienna Beef Chicago-Style hot dog while you’re there! Vienna Beef hot dogs are, in my opinion, one of the greatest foods on this planet :D
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Interesting that the San Francisco Audio Foundation would be associating their brand with mobile fidelity, that misled people and had to pay $25,000,000.

mobile fidelity paying for wine and pizza?

What a disgusting industry!!!

PS. and they humiliated the audiophile darling, Michael Fremer, who ended misleading is readers and took a huge hit to his reputation
Mobile Fidelity is not paying for pizza and wine. It's the AF. They are just graciously lending us the space.
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Arriving for Industry Mixer tonight!
Interesting that the San Francisco Audio Foundation would be associating their brand with mobile fidelity, that misled people and had to pay $25,000,000.

mobile fidelity paying for wine and pizza?

What a disgusting industry!!!

PS. and they humiliated the audiophile darling, Michael Fremer, who ended misleading is readers and took a huge hit to his reputation
Last Fall the settlement was discussed in one of Ron’s threads.

One post gave the settlement figures at a few hundred grand.

The estimated claims for a 5% refund or a full refund are about $301,000. Refunds of sales tax and shipping are estimated to be $48,000. Plaintiff’s attorneys are asking for $290,00 in legal fees. Defendants’ legal fees are unknown.

Some class members filed more than one claim, so the actual number of class members is 1,002. The average number of albums per class member was 13.

Where did you get your figure of $25M?
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Zellaton and ESD horns will also be in my must listen list on Axpona.

View attachment 126504

I will find out how good they are .
I was in there room a few times. What did you think of them ?
Asylvox that I listened during Pacific Audiofest 2022 gave nice texture and clean but not deep bass.
I have heard them in a showroom condition not a show
they have deep bass and are very fast and detailed
a tough combo. now I also think some feel a bloated constant bass is correct. I was a bass head but learned to take a step back. Of course to each there own.
Angie's room, horns, "fiyah".

Really fun event, my first as well.

Exhausting though to try to hit most rooms, but a good type of exhausting. If I ever come back I know I will be in a different mind set and be at a slower reasonable pace.
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If I were there, I would definitely listen to Rethm speakers. I had the older Bhaava at home with a 300b amp. It's a fantastic concept wideband speaker with active horn loading bass. It's a lot of fun to listen to music with and it's still affordable.
the new models look interesting more sensitivity 98~101db/wattrethm14-2.jpg
Hi everyone,

In case anyone here is interested, I'm playing live to custom backing tracks in the darTZeel room (room 1210). It's at 11 am and 2 pm. The system is darTZeel integrated amp and Stenheim Alumine 3SE speakers (we had the 2.5 yesterday but I think they are switching back to the 3SE today). The system sounds very good to my ears.

I will have R2R tapes, vinyl and CDs for my album "Vintage". I will also be playing test pressings of the upcoming record "Heart" and introducing my new label, Analog Tone Factory.

I will also play some music in the Nordost/Stenheim room (Schaumburg F) at 12.30 pm. I thought that room sounded great when I checked it out yesterday (they have big VTL amps and Stenheim Reference speakers).

Come say hi if you're around!

Jerome Sabbagh

P.S: I also want to put in a good word for John Devore's room, which sounded fantastic, I thought. He's playing great music all day and the latest Orangutan speakers sound great. He's playing 78 RPM records at different times during the day and if you haven't heard that, it's really worth it. Some of the most engaging sound of the show for me. It's in 646.

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