But you ARE aware, that this one sentence of yours fits into at least 3, rather 4 suitable threads already existing on WBF, so your posting in THIS exact thread is utterly off topic
I have a similar sounding system.. One that keeps my foot tapping and my butt in the listening seat. I believe that keeping my system minimalistic has helped achieve the sound I prefer. Is it natural sounding or is it just Hifi… I’ll let the listener be the judge.. I just know it draws me into the music every time And keeps me coming back for more..
Writing this, I’m trying to remember the Goal of what I was looking for when I was starting out many years ago.. I was more into the abilities of my system to play deep loud bass ! I listened to my system more than the music.. Making sure I had the ability to play loud and clear with lots of BASS.. lol.
Fast forward 12 different iterations later, throw age And retirement into the mix and I’ve matured past much of the glitter and shiny bits that used to attract me to magical components. I guess I have balanced sound now.. I can sit and listen to music for hours on end.. I don’t think unnatural sound would keep me glued to my seat..
I am happy to report experiencing zero fatigue listening to my glorious unnatural, unbalanced sound. I suppose you experience the same with your system.
They strike me as unnatural and uncivilized, i.e. not true stereophonic reproduction without the introduction of cross-feed which is almost never done well. So this begs the question: is non-stereo reproduction unnatural by default? And if so, then what happens when we play monaural content through natural sound systems, thereby causing two worlds to collide?
So.. I’m listening to my system and I can’t help notice the low noise floor, black background.. Music does emerge from a dark quiet background. Does this mean natural Sound is forever banned from my system ?
My silly single stage amp is too quiet ? Do I need tube rush and transformer hum to get these natural attributes? Perhaps some added 60 cycle hum might help, Is it unnatural or just unusually Quiet compared to some.. isn’t that why we do all these power upgrades and mods..
So.. I’m listening to my system and I can’t help notice the low noise floor, black background.. Music does emerge from a dark quiet background. Does this mean natural Sound is forever banned from my system ?
So.. I’m listening to my system and I can’t help notice the low noise floor, black background.. Music does emerge from a dark quiet background. Does this mean natural Sound is forever banned from my system ?
My silly single stage amp is too quiet ? Do I need tube rush and transformer hum to get these natural attributes? Perhaps some added 60 cycle hum might help, Is it unnatural or just unusually Quiet compared to some.. isn’t that why we do all these power upgrades and mods..
A quiet, calm background is not a black background. I have the former, not the latter, you seem to have both . Oh, I forgot, I have Unnatural Sound, so I actually must have the latter, not the former. Ok, now I'm officially confused . Not about my Unnatural, Unbalanced Sound though. That is a firm stand-out virtue of my system, carried with pride.