Surprising room dimensions - almost a square and height is half of the side. If it was not for my beliefs in RPG acoustic treatments and your report I would risk that it was a problematic room...
These dimensions support F. Toole argument that preferred audiophile ratios for room dimensions are mostly a myth.
Thanks for your comment. The room was originally in a completely different (rectangular) shape and has now been so modeled in the masonry to obtain this specific result, very similar in acoustic performance to Musikverein Wien Concert Hall, but here have been applied more advanced and technologically acoustic solutions (acoustic modern design, where every customized acoustic element is perfectly tuned). Respectfully it is not remotely imaginable what happens acoustically in this room, because actually listening here is one of those musical experiences that literally leaves you breathless (common definition of 21 European music-lovers experts and in audio-field/acoustic too, who had the good fortune and privilege of being able to listen to it. The dimensions shown are the physical ones, then there are the virtual ones which, thanks to the acoustic insulation before and the subsequent acoustic treatment, all in massive and unimaginable form, make the balance and the distribution of energy in a practically symmetrical and perfect environment in the modals and in constant reverberation times of 0.38 over to the entire frequency spectrum; the associated instrumental analyzes attest to this objectively. While listening, the room completely disappears (the physical dimensions and the boundaries of the walls / ceiling seem to be infinite) letting the music flow in the most natural way possible. This design and implementation took 13 months of intense research and appropriate development where everything has been carefully and meticulously studied / applied. There are not so many similar acoustic design in the world. (RPG Europe Docet).
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