This tonearm deserves better representation!
As a fan of FR, I did due-diligence and watched all 3 vids in this series. The other 2 vids offer more pre-fluff to the post-fluff, narrated as if the audience are complete newbs to vinyl. Lots of nice adjectives, yet little discussion on actual design, materials & build. One could assume (esp those with FR roots), at this price level, the intended audience would have much experience, and therefore FAR more appreciative of actuality; but instead, more fluffy prose. The setup video was indeed sad to watch; 1 particular setup issue, a critical factor towards the end result with these type arms, is completely ignored.
OK, I realize fluff sells candy, but personally, I don't think these "reviews" do the product justice, other than looking very pretty ...
A simple graph, showing it's cumulative resonant decay signature, would have been more valuable.