I would have higher expectations too in Wadax Reference....Never compared it in my system, listened to it more than once and it did not appeal to me.
I have higher expectations in the Wadax Reference and hope to listen to it sometime in January.
Sure they are great systems and i'm glad many audiophiles and music lovers enjoy them so much.....BTW, why be tired of seeing great systems that many audiophiles and music lovers enjoy so much?
Well, this is another question. Partnership is natural not only in audio industry, no suprises here. Another question is how is managed....Any manufacturer wants to place their products with top successful distributors and dealers. The Wilson distributor/dealer network is large and well organized and Wilson Audio uses dCS products in their factory. This seems a natural partnership. BTW, in Europe the dCS Bartok is selling very well to customers outside the Wilson/Agostino clan.
This thread isn't about Wadax, i haven't introduce it here. Let's see what DCS says and more important, what John Quick says...Probably if Wadax had a larger distribution we would be all be speaking about its sound quality in this forum, not about dCS gossip or other DACs ...
Audio business isn't an ONG and my criticism about clan i mention is shared by many "in house" dealers.....