Again, absolutely everything in this post is wrong and made up. Can you please share references to your source(s) of these claims?
Yes, noise can be picked up and transmitted through cables and affect the analog part of your streamer or DAC, but the file itself is not changed and it does not contain noise.
Regarding references, my posts are merely reprising and summarising the findings of 4 audiophile IT engineers who started 7 or more years ago by designing and building state of the art servers and power supplies and reporting the result of their trials, experiments and findings on the Audiophile Style DIY forum. In addition, I follow the posts and developments of companies like Innuos and Taiko Audio, who also contribute hugely to improving the sound quality of streamed audio.
These particular individuals and companies enjoy a following of avid readers who try the reported developments and new product releases and report back their own findings. Over the 7 years I‘ve followed these developments I‘ve implemented many of their discoveries and developments in my own dedicated streaming system, often with jaw droppingly good results. The results have very often defied explanation by contradicting old/established IT standards and expectations, with which I was very familiar.
When I initially started building a dedicated local and remote streaming system, I took on board the sage advice to check my network’s performance and integrity by ensuring that the files I was transporting around my network were arriving ‘bit perfectly’. i.e that the pattern of bits in the file remained unchanged. Essentially a ‘bit perfect’ file is a file that is unchanged from the originating file. If a file that starts and ends as the ‘same’ file i.e has the ‘same‘ bit pattern, has been ‘improved’ in that it ‘sounds better’, then the inescapable logic is that something other than the bit pattern is responsible for the improvement. A change in the bit pattern would be a neat explanation of what’s going on with changes to sound quality but when the bit pattern doesn’t change, an alternate explanation is obviously required.
A bit pattern is often thought of as 1s and 0s, which are unalterable but this isn’t correct. A bit file may be a series of voltages in a wire, light pulses in a glass fibre, a series of radio frequency pulses, or a pattern of high/low charge values stored in an array of memory cells on a silicon chip. If we take voltage as an example, that voltage has different quality characteristics, for example how accurately it represents the desired voltage, how quickly it changed. between the 2 specified voltages (the 1 and the 0), how much noise is included, how accurate the time interval, how much noise is on the reference voltage etc. Each time those bits are converted, the ‘convertor’ leaves its own imprint on the file, that can be heard in the way the music sounds, which is why servers, media convertors, FO FTCs, network switches, bridges etc. all impart different qualities to the final sound.
Both anecdotal and empirical evidence has shown that a myriad of things affect the sound quality of streamed files without changing the actual bit pattern of the file. The type of RAM memory in a server, the type and noise profile of a disc drive, the impedance and noise profile of power supplies, the type of capacitors in powers supplies, the type, specification and power supplies of oscillators, the type of wire and screening used in DC cables, the type of interfaces used between modules, the screening layout of network cables, the type of CPU in the server, vibration control of components, the switching chip in a switch, power usage and noise profile of network connectors like RJ45, the removal/avoidance of EMI, the configuration of BIOS files, the amount, type and degree of isolation of network traffic, the topology of the network, the brand of fibre optic SFCs, modem chip-sets, modem set-up, galvanic isolation, the list goes on and on. All the above produce effects that influence the quality of the network’s and bitstream’s physical layer.
All of this information is available, spread over 7 years worth of specialist forum posts.
This is not my original work. I‘m just the reporter.
Identifying what I reported as being ‘made-up’ and therefore by definition ‘new’ is simply an indication that your knowledge about streaming is several years out of date. When I came to building my own streaming system 7 years ago, my knowledge, experience and beliefs were similar to yours. But in the intervening years I have discovered, thanks to the efforts of several kind and highly knowledgable individuals, that networking for purely IT reasons and networking for streaming audio do not have the same requirements IF resulting sound quality is the main consideration, because things that have absolutely no effect on IT related aspects have a profound effect on the resulting sound quality of the music produced from streamed digital audio files.
I’ve been a music fan since I was a small boy lying in bed with a single earphone and radio Luxemburg on Short Wave. For me music generates beautiful emotional responses and the better I can get the sound quality, the more intense those emotions. As a consequence I’ve owned some really great hi-fi equipment which I‘ve constantly upgraded as part of the audiophile addiction to emotion-laden high-quality music.
In all my 50 plus years I never found an area of hi-fi so rich in upgrade potential as digital streaming and its supporting networking. Following the developments and discoveries mentioned above has been an absolute pleasure, getting me to levels of musical fidelity and enjoyment I never imagined possible. It gives me pleasure to write about those discoveries and share them with like minded individuals who strive to achieve the same goals of greater musical enjoyment.
Denying all the new found information about streaming, based on out of data IT knowledge does nothing to advance and promote hi-fi and is to a large degree what is holding back digital audio to the point its quality rarely exceeds that of a similar system based on analog.