Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

I love both at this point. It was easy to get to this state with vinyl because it has been a 65+ year love affair that began on the floor in front of my grandparents’ console. Digital has been harder. It crashed in claiming “perfect sound forever.” It did not deliver the goods at the outset.
Both formats have never been better than they are today. Monogamy is not required, and it’s not cheating to enjoy both.

Obviously there is no agreement… this is, in my opinion, because not only do people not listen to each other because they already are firm in their beliefs, they’re also just listening to sound and not music.

I have listened and listened, comparing the same performance in as many as three vinyl releases, three cartridges, three TT, three amps/preamps (tube and SS), and two streaming services with three DACs, three control apps, and Roon.

Gentlemen, many enjoy arguing more than listening to music. Is that really “What’s Best?”
Given your statements, I don't think you have any clue about well optimized playback of current great digital.
I have listened to these digital Systems:
dCS Scarllati
dCS Vivaldi
Weiss Medus
CEC TL0 3.0
Vitus Anagram DAC
Audio Note DAC 5 ($63k) NOS DAC
TAD D600 ($50k)

You can visit David in Utah and listen to high performance Analog system , it may change your idea
It's not a scientific fact, the numbers are and you can't argue with them.
Digital is far superior to any vinyl
"Analog is better than Digital" is a subjective judgment but "Digital is better than Analog" is not a scientific fact.
If you read first about scientific fact then you will realize your opinion has no relation to scientific fact.
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What is his system composed of?
David was active here , his ID was @ddk

David has Big Horn system (siemens bionor) and Lamm ML3 amplifier , David has these sources:
- Techdas AF1
- Thorens Reference
- Microseiki 8000
- American Sound 2000
- CEC TL0 3.0/Weiss Medus
What is a Scientific fact?

Immanuel Kant said some subjects are out of our access , for example "god exist or not" is the subject we have no answer for it and we can not discuss about it. It means "god exist or not" is not in science area and all discussions about it is non-sense.

"Music listening experience" is not out of Science area and science is able to give us true facts about it. For any scientific fact you should have complete mathematical model (theory) of the subject and in music listening experience you should have these models :
- mathematic model of non-linear audio system
- mathematic model of non-linear hearing system
- mathematic model of non-linear brain system

if you have just simple linear model of audio hardware you can not speak about scientific fact.
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That's a subjective opinion
It's not a scientific fact, the numbers are and you can't argue with them.
Digital is far superior to any vinyl
Not to mention that the masters of the recordings are in digital and only then transferred to vinyl.
Nothing sounds better than the master itself .
Approximately 50% of peer reviewed scientific papers are later proven to be false or non reproducible . Please explain ‘scientific fact’.
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You can visit David in Utah and listen to high performance Analog system , it may change your idea

have you been?
Extremist statements like this give vinyl enthusiasts a bad name.

Statements like these help no one, and certainly not the case for vinyl.
Appreciate it might upset a few folks but as I asked earlier,

how would you describe someone who chooses not to listen to the best recordings of the greatest music ever made?

Music averse, perhaps?
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Appreciate it might upset a few folks but as I asked earlier,

how would you describe someone who chooses not to listen to the best recordings of the greatest music ever made?

Music averse, perhaps?

You're digging your grave ever deeper.

Please keep on digging.

(And if you have paid any attention, I have *defended* vinyl here.)


And by the way, you are insulting tons of great musicians, few of which have great vinyl set-ups, with your latest statement too. Are they "music averse"?

Be careful with your words.
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I have Electronic music on tape , LP

But Digital House music is just better , nothing beats digital Tiesto .
It extends just a bit more in the bass and sounds more defined / cleaner .

OK classical / jazz is better on LP /Tape ( not so sure on the WADAX though)
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I think this car has gone off the cliff, hit the wall a few times on the way down and is about to go splat. Have fun, I am too busy enjoying Joni Mitchell Live at Newport in god forbid, Dolby Atmos.
Oh, and you were doing so well!
  • Haha
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No, this has been proven thru exhaustive peer-reviewed tests!

Numbers have next to zero relationship to what things sound like!

Yet a digital sourced pressing often sounds better than the commercially available digital format.

But I only deal with analog sourced pressings.
A proper $1K DAC can blow away a 1 million dollars vinyl rig.
The funny and ironic thing is the better the turntable the closer it sounds to digital .
- mathematic model of non-linear audio system
- mathematic model of non-linear hearing system
- mathematic model of non-linear brain system
The models are, of course not linear. But neither are they deterministic. These are really stochastic phenomena and so there will always be a probabilistic answer domain.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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