I've had the 10 series now for 6 months, and as I've worked on my system I am amazed at how much this amplification brings. I am hearing deeply into the musical performance like I have not experienced in any system before, and I can tell that I have the ingredients for something very special for sound quality that I appreciate. The 10 series gear is a stunning achievement to my ears, and in the context of my admittedly limited experience.
I attend many live concerts per year, mostly of "classical" music in solo recital, chamber music, and orchestral settings. And my wife is pretty proficient with piano repertoire and harpsicord, which she plays most days in our house. I am pretty well calibrated to the sound of live acoustic instruments playing in their natural way. The 10 series is sounding very "natural" to me, but that is really a useless adjective on its own. All systems ask for some compromise on the part of the listener, and our tastes, temperaments, predilections, etc., determine which compromises are too much and which ones we can live with. So, you have to articulate what sound aspect is making a system change more "natural" to you. Otherwise, it's no better than simply saying "it floats my boat".
What's making my system's sound stand out to me is a combination of: 1) very even-handed frequency response, so I hear the music with less coloration than ever before from a system; 2) incredible unraveling of inner detail and micro-dynamics in the music, the sonic envelope of each sound, and in the playing technique, all without being "spotlit" or showy; this gives very meaningful insight into the music making 3) transient launch that has a timing I have never heard from a system, making percussive sounds seem startlingly life like, such that the drums grab you and propel the musical line; and piano sounds so velvety percussive, too; 4) very solid rendering of holographic instruments located in a very large space (if the recording allows), with completely stable localization at all times. This, for me, all adds up to a transparent window into the reproduction that mesmerizes. I have come from the tube end of the system spectrum historically, and I find the 10 series, while not a "tubey" sound by any meands, to be very satisfying. Certainly more truthful, without being "hurtful" to the music making.
The CHP gear was not a natural mate to my TAD speakers, I would say. TAD's have a well-deserved reputation for being potentially "ruthlessly revealing", and they need careful system design to spark the magic. But they are totally capable of magic, when you get there. It's taking some work to get my system voicing right after introducing the CHP gear into it, but I have definitely gotten there now, and I'm in the process of optimizing further. As I've improved my cabling from Elrod Master Gold to Master Diamond, the 10 series simply reports the significant improvements these bring, cord by cord (still ongoing for the next couple of months as I flesh out my loom). When I switched from a PS Audio P20 to a Shunyata Everest, Lordy, what a nice improvement. This CHP gear tells it all, and tells it musically. I'm pretty smitten!