I had tube amp since 1978 to 2016,except 1988/1991 ML 6b with 8 ML N 20
I had normal tube amp,ARC D 90B,D52,D79,D250,Jadis 30/60/200/500,Counterpoin SA 4,Klimo beltaine,Carver Silver Seven,
I had OTL amp,Mactone M8V mono,Klimo OTL mono,Panthere
I had vintage tube,MC 240,30,60,75,Leak TL 12 Plus,Radford STA 15 MK III,QUAD II,ARC D 79,Rogers
I had very good tube,Shindo Catherine and Petrus with Shinonia and WE 300B,ANJ Neiro Silver,Audio Tekne 9501
I had fantastic tube pre and amp,2 pre reference Dyssanayake,Audio tekne 8601 and 9501 pre and amp 8502 mono,Yamato,Yamamura pre and amp 8 stack with 320 kg weight and all with superpermalloy trans,ANJ M10 with Baransu,Kageki,Ongaku,Gakuon,Kondo M7 KSL ,Souga
I always had simple and mid high efficiency speaker like Audiotekne CB 8716,Audiotekne 3 way horn with ALE driver,Yamamura 3 way,Klipsch La Scala 2,Electrovoice Sentry III,Quad Corner Ribbon,Montagna,so all speakers perfect with triode.
I love some of these tube amp and would like to have for a second system,but my CH never will change for some of this,my only idea is to upgrade to 10 series.
If i had Audiotekne 8716 one way speaker with supertweeter ALE 1750 DEP like i had probabli will use Kondo G70 and new Ongaku.
I had normal tube amp,ARC D 90B,D52,D79,D250,Jadis 30/60/200/500,Counterpoin SA 4,Klimo beltaine,Carver Silver Seven,
I had OTL amp,Mactone M8V mono,Klimo OTL mono,Panthere
I had vintage tube,MC 240,30,60,75,Leak TL 12 Plus,Radford STA 15 MK III,QUAD II,ARC D 79,Rogers
I had very good tube,Shindo Catherine and Petrus with Shinonia and WE 300B,ANJ Neiro Silver,Audio Tekne 9501
I had fantastic tube pre and amp,2 pre reference Dyssanayake,Audio tekne 8601 and 9501 pre and amp 8502 mono,Yamato,Yamamura pre and amp 8 stack with 320 kg weight and all with superpermalloy trans,ANJ M10 with Baransu,Kageki,Ongaku,Gakuon,Kondo M7 KSL ,Souga
I always had simple and mid high efficiency speaker like Audiotekne CB 8716,Audiotekne 3 way horn with ALE driver,Yamamura 3 way,Klipsch La Scala 2,Electrovoice Sentry III,Quad Corner Ribbon,Montagna,so all speakers perfect with triode.
I love some of these tube amp and would like to have for a second system,but my CH never will change for some of this,my only idea is to upgrade to 10 series.
If i had Audiotekne 8716 one way speaker with supertweeter ALE 1750 DEP like i had probabli will use Kondo G70 and new Ongaku.