Class D

Thanks for the headsup Vincent.
The current Hypex Class D already has pretty impressive measurements in comparison to most other Class D amps (and subjectively well received) so this should be interesting.

+1, nice find Vincent. Interesting white paper; manages to sound informative without really disclosing anything (I'll track down the patent if I want to know more). For me, the most impressive plots were of the output impedance and frequency response vs. load. Very good for any amp, especially impressive for a class D. I do wish they had run some plots with reactive loading (I assume the pix are all into load resistors, unless I missed that?)
Hehe yeah agree with you there Don, most relaxed paper I have seen Bruno do :)
They definitely have taken it a step further with this latest design, but it is fair to say their previous product had very good output impedance as well (not as good as this though I agree).
Another product I would love to see the patent of is the Class D from Primare and their UFPD, again it is from what I remember incredible measurements for Class D including the output impedance.


Have there been any updates on the NC1200 module? Do they offer fully assembled and tested amplifiers? I'm new to this brand.



Have there been any updates on the NC1200 module? Do they offer fully assembled and tested amplifiers? I'm new to this brand.



I'm pretty familiar with the Hypex brand, but I don't know the NC1200 module.

Hypex themselves don't make and sell a fully assembled and tested amplifier. They sell all the parts though, and there's an active DIY community that assemble amps based on the parts sold by Hypex. You can get kits (and complete amps) from They also sell under the Exodus brand a completely built-up amp.

For a LOT more money, Genesis also makes amplifiers that are based on the Hypex module. I think that they sound quite a bit better, but of course, I am totally biased. Other companies that make amps based on the Hypex module include Meridian and Channel Islands Audio. I believe that most of Hypex's market is in the pro-audio world.
Thanks Gary,

I've been reading your websites. VERY impressive. Thank you for the information. I was reading the link that Vincent posted and was intrigued. What model Genesis amp do you recommend I look at?



Hypex presents a decisive leap forward in class D audio performance. Ncore® is the first class D amplifier not just to nudge the best linear amplifiers, but to surpass them in every aspect relevant to sound quality. If you want the ultimate in clarity, resolution and musicality, there is no longer a reason to trade efficiency or compactness.

The first product using the new technology is ready and samples are available to selected customers. The NC1200 module, coupled with the SMPS1200 supply, delivers 350W into 8 ohms, 650W into 4 ohms and 1200W into 2 ohms, all with immaculate audio performance.

Ncore amplifiers will not replace the existing UcD range. Instead, many of the technological improvements developed for Ncore amplifiers have already started trickling down into existing UcD slots, fortifying an already strong product range.
Ah! That's why I haven't heard of the NC1200. I've asked for samples to try out but they still aren't shipping to small manufacturers like me. I think that they might already have samples for their OEM customers (those guys buy thousands of modules per order).

You've already got the Burmester 911 Mk III. I've done a direct comparison and I think that overall, the 911's better than my GR360 although there are some aspects that the GR360 is better at. I even demo'ed with the full Burmester Topline stack. See here:
Hi Gary,

Wow! very impressive. I wish I could have been there. It sounded like a great time. I appreciate the honesty. At some point I'd like to demo your amps and see how they compare. When you incorporate the new NC1200 modules I will give them a serious listen. :)

Thanks! In the meantime, I plan on seeing what local dealers are demoing the GR360.

We always have a great time when we concentrate on the music, and not the gear!

Unfortunately, I don't have a dealer in NY. The closest dealer with a GR360 on demo is in Chicago. I designed the amp purely for myself, and I don't require my dealers to carry the amp.

Thank you very much. I appreciate the links and will check them out.

Has anyone compared the Wyred 4 Sound amps to the Hypex amps?


What model amps did you have built for you?


Can you pm me pricing on you amps and upgrades?


Hi Vincent,

Thank you very much! Looks like I have some more reading to do :) Everyone is opening my eyes (and ears) to some cool new gear. Awesome.


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